20. Handling Flirts

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For breakfast the following day, they had leftover gigant stew. Amil smoked the meat from the buck he caught and passed the antlers to Nana. If Nana was more skilled in medicine, she could process these herself. Unfortunately, she was not. Nana opted to sell them for now.

Since both Amil and Zen were around, Nana sat them down for a talk. "So what do you guys think of the males?" she asked curiously.

Amil was the first to speak up. "I think they are all good in their own ways," Amil said. Nana was somewhat surprised. She hadn't expected Amil to be so accepting of all three of them. But she also didn't think he'd lie about it.

Nana turned to Zen with an expression of anticipation. Her rousing cubs started to make muffins in her lap almost stealing her attention from the important subject at hand.

Zen's face remained still and he spoke calmly. "Who you accept is your choice..." Nana gave him a stink eye. "I know," he stated in response to her look. He knew that wasn't the answer she was waiting for. "Troy and Dakotah, I am comfortable with them. I do not trust Karan entirely. Not with his ties to Akito. However, I do not think he will intentionally involve you in anything compromising."

Nana focused on Zen closely. Zen was great at hiding his feelings when he wanted to, but Nana's never caught him in a lie. "Okay." Nana nodded.

"What about you?" questioned Amil. "Do you want them all?"

Nana blanched at the wording, but understood what Amil was getting at. "I...I like Dakotah. I think he'll be a good addition," she said honestly. "I can't explain why, but I trust Karan enough to have him here. He's strong and reliable too."

Amil looked a little more downcast, so Nana leaned forward and whispered into his ear, "But I think you are the most reliable." Amil flushed several shades darker as the heat rushed to his face. He was happy that Nana felt that way, but the way she told him got him a little too excited.

Nana did pick words that would have the strongest effect, but maybe they were too effective. She returned to her original position and tried to get back on topic.

"I was worried about Troy's personality, but he seemed to be getting along with everyone well enough," Nana confessed.

"Worried..." Zen started in a tone that Nana knew all too well. "You turn awfully red around a male who worries you," Zen said with a glint in his eyes.

Nana failed to come up with a comeback immediately. She floundered while wracking her brain for an excuse. It wasn't her fault that Troy was so... It just wasn't her fault.

"With Karan too," Zen didn't relent and leaned over to whisper in her ear just as she had done to Amil. "I have to wonder if you are trying to convince us or yourself of those reasons," he said in a seductive tone that made Nana outclass Amil in color. He pulled away and finished her off. "At least you were honest about Dakotah."

"Convince? Honest?" Amil asked, confusion written all over his face.

Nana could neither retort nor speak. Zen completely got her. Because he wasn't done exposing her, Zen continued, "You don't have to search for reasons Nana. You can want whoever you want."

"Zen!" Nana finally managed to huff out a desperate plea. Could she cry uncle? She wanted to.

"But Zen," Amil asked still confused. "Isn't that obvious? Why would Nana accept males she didn't want?" Amil tried to hammer nails into her coffin without realizing it.

"Yes. I got it. Can we stop now?" Nana asked with her head in her hands.

"Okay," Amil said immediately.

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