26. A Mistake

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 The following day, Nana made a particular goal her priority; make Troy a new skirt. The one he wore was in such a sad state that Nana wouldn't have left it be even if she didn't find it embarrassing to catch sight of extra bits. With her now-acceptable sewing skills, it did not take her long to make.

But there was a problem. Make that two. Dakotah was giving her puppy eyes. Karan was compelling her with hopeful and nervous eyes on top of that. The focus of the day shifted to making her family clothes.

Dakotah was easy. He just got a simple fur skirt. He ruins clothes too fast for Nana to make him cloth clothes for everyday wear. Karan on the other hand... It was obvious that he didn't like clothes since he never wore any. He preferred staying partially shifted which covered his hips down in scales and tail. Nana grabbed her only roll of silk and made him a top that was fastened like a robe. It was light-weight and easy to tie and untie. He could also wear it as loosely as he wanted to.

Those projects took her the entire day and the next. Because she stayed up late working on them, mating got pushed off again. She finished the clothes the following day and presented her gifts.

Amil looked left out so she had to remind him that he and Zen already got clothes from her. Zen paid little mind to it and busied himself with chores. Dakotah received his skirt and vowed that it would survive the season... Nana refrained from commenting and was just glad he liked it. Karan wore his silk shirt. Nana figured he liked it since he didn't take it off. He did however leave it untied and open. Troy got his fur which was made from the best one in the batch he gifted her.

Troy and Dakotah changed immediately causing Nana to slam her eyes shut. When the all clear was given, Nana opened her eyes carefully. They were clothed and looking good. After some bubbly words of appreciation from Dakotah and flirty ones from Troy, Nana concluded the gift giving process.

Her cubs looked sad, so Nana broke out a project she made a long time ago. Yes, she made kitty clothes. After fitting the cubs into their outfits, Nana gushed. The males around pitied the poor cubs but said nothing. The cubs in question decided that they would never ask for clothes.

The cubs ran off. Dakotah followed them without having to be asked. His nanny duty was already ingrained in him. Karan carefully and sadly folded up his new shirt as he left to hunt. Amil also went. That left her with Zen and Troy.

Nana had a premonition that soon proved correct. Zen asked her a silent question while motioning to the piece of wood Dakotah left out. Troy snorted and insisted it wasn't needed, but Zen recommended it anyway. Nana gave him a silent okay to light it up. She wasn't sure how it was supposed to affect her, but now she could find out.

Nana got up and resolved herself. Troy followed her to the bedroom and shut the door behind them.

As far as Nana could tell, the blush wood did not change a lot. Then again, she wasn't in a frame of mind to sit there and evaluate her physical state. Troy didn't let her. Out of all of the times she's experienced mating, her time with Troy was the roughest.

"The bath is prepared," said Zen as he knocked on the door to interrupt them. "Dinner will be ready shortly."

Nana had little time to really collect her thoughts and process what was going on. She tried to stand up but found her legs failing.

"I got you," Troy said as he caught her. He lifted her up and carried her out of the room, just as they were. Nana hurriedly covered herself with her arms, but only Zen was in the house to see her.

"You aren't hiding much," he teased with a blank poker face.

Unable to find a retort on short notice due to the absence of her brain, Nana stuck out her tongue and glared. Zen raised a brow as Troy chuckled. Nana felt herself vibrate with it.

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