43. Friends?

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The following day, Nana found Kibwe poking around her den. He waited until he had permission to come closer and Nana gave it.

"What is it?" Nana asked while sitting at her outdoor table.

Kibwe found himself full of nerves. Talking to pretty females might never be something he gets used to. But he had to. He came here for a reason. "I talked to Aspen. About the plants..."

"Oh." Nana waited for him to continue.

"He said that it wasn't such a problem twenty years ago, but it was happening," Kibwe said. He wondered if he did good or was only troubling Nana with the information. It was weird for females to mind something like that. A lot of males didn't either.

"Was there anything that changed...?" Nana was thinking out loud. She didn't expect Kibwe to know the answer to her question.

"I can ask." Kibwe was ready to go. There weren't many who cared about the problem and it made Kibwe happy that someone was trying to help. Not that he ever expected it to be a female.

"Do you have any ideas?" Zen who had remained beside her quietly spoke up.

Nana shook her head. "Not yet. I don't have enough to come up with any theories or hypothesis..." Nana wanted to wash her tongue. Who knew she would ever use a word like hypothesis outside of school? It felt sort of gross. Like who was she trying to impress? Kibwe wouldn't understand what she was saying unless she explained it, so definitely not him.

Zen was pretty curious about the new problem Nana involved herself in, but he wasn't going to invest himself unless his mate wanted it. The den was still not up to his standards and his body was... This new problem was simply not something he could afford to tackle idly. But, the health of his mate came first and he had to make sure there was no cause for concern.

"Have the females in this village experienced any problems? Has anyone gotten sick more often?" Zen asked.

Nana saw where he was going with it. She had been fine and so had Elizabeth, but that didn't mean there couldn't be a problem.

Kibwe was overwhelmed. He wanted to have an answer, but he did not. "I don't know, but I don't think so. I need to ask."

Since the young male was about to sprint off, Nana stopped him. "If he is not busy, will you see if the male can come?" She was mildly worried that the male may misinterpret her intentions, but she could clear that up later if she needed to.

"Okay! I'm sure he'll come." Kibwe regained some of his enthusiasm and positive energy before running off.

Dakotah chose then to come stumbling around the corner with her cubs in tow. "What's goin on?" the big bear asked curiously.

"We will have visitors soon," Nana said.

"Visitor?" Aden asked.

"Visitor. Visitor." Tashi chanted.

Nana tried to explain what a visitor was.

"Big one?" asked Tashi.

"The small one?" asked Aden.

Nana should have another teaching session with the boys soon. "It could be either, or both."

The boys decided to run around chanting 'both' and Nana sat there smiling. It was good that they were having such a fun time. Nana should take a page from their book.

While she waited for Kibwe to come back, Elizabeth and Kaito dropped by for a visit. Her father had very large eye bags and so did Elizabeth. Nana looked for the babies immediately and found the squirming balls of adorable, black fluff.

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