59. Akito

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I hope this chapter sheds a little light on certain subjects by directly addressing them.  I would love to know what you guys think.  I had half a mind to keep the half-mystery going since there were quite a few hints prior, but thought acknowledging some things directly may give you all some closure.

Also, this is the second to last chapter!  This coming Monday is the final update chapter for Nana's main story.  Crazy, right? Thanks for reading this far and hope you enjoy. -May 11, 2023

Akito sat on the throne he won, wearing a false expression of friendliness. He was having yet another discussion with the most affluent noble males of the city and several foreign emissaries. Despite working tirelessly since he usurped the crown, there was still much to be done.

Garbage had been left to decay and now Akito had to clear the filth himself. Despite thinking so, he was not bound by any sense of duty. No, he only wanted to see if achieving something grand would make him feel fulfilled in some way.

That was why he sat where he was, discussing revisions to their laws with those capable of enforcing them. All for the small chance of eliciting an emotional response in him. He'd chuckle dryly at himself if he'd been alone, but he was not.

Akito wanted to do away with the rules that were hampering growth. He had no concern for the right or wrong of them. He was only looking for results. Unfortunately, his reforms would weaken the influence of the fox clan in the city. Akito didn't care, but many of the others did.

He didn't have enough raw power to force the issue. Therefore, Akito had to find ways around it. Some officials were able to be bribed into agreement, but some could not be. Soon, Zen would join him and he should be able to sway a few more to his side.

In their eyes, Zen would have more potential than himself. There were one or two who were foolish enough to think they could support his dear brother and convince him to turn on Akito. They could keep thinking that way since it made them predictable and controllable.

The matter of him siring cubs came up and Akito skillfully evaded the topic. If they wanted royal children of good bloodline, Genji had cubs. Akito had no need for them and no desire to waste his time and efforts elsewhere.

If he needed to take a mate, there was only one who came to mind. The emotion she made him feel was small and fleeting, but it had been there. Once the city had been cleansed of its poisons and built up to his satisfaction, Akito would be able to offer a safe and prosperous place for her to live. The timid female should like that.

Akito concluded the meeting and rescheduled it once again. This was a battle of attrition for some. There were several dissatisfied nobles who would eventually relent simply because persisting would be that much of an annoyance.

Akito gazed out the window. The inner sanctum had been hit the hardest during the war. Many nobles and royals were lost and buildings were leveled. Akito smiled, but no emotion reached his eyes. The war opened many eyes and showed the ignorant masses that their peace was built on a flimsy foundation and tainted monarchy.

The City of Gold was one of the oldest, and previously, most powerful city. His mother's rein had chipped away at that glory until it was reduced to such a sad state. Akito may have accelerated the timing of war, but he wasn't the one who created the rift. That was his mother's doing.

The differences between the two queens could not be reconciled. As he determined both queens incompetent and hindrances to his goals, he gave them a way to settle their feud. He knew that one or both would not walk away, but the prideful queens did not see or acknowledge their potential downfalls.

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