14. News

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Nana didn't remember much of what happened during her heat... Okay, that was a blatant lie. Nana remembered every bit of it. It wasn't like she was drugged, though it sure seemed like it.

Nana woke up sore every day for the next five. Beside her was always a very naked Amil or a very naked Zen. Sometimes, it was both. Nana was never bringing up these five days in conversation. Ever.

Not that the neighborhood didn't already know. They may be spread out, but sensitive ears were strong. Nana covered her face with the covers and Amil turned to lay on his back. A light snore left his lips as he slept, blissfully unaware of Nana's struggles.

"What's wrong?" Zen asked softly from her other side.

"Nothing," Nana spoke while staying exactly as she was. Since her—cough—urges—cough— were under control, she thought she may be done. "I think it's over."

Zen hummed, "Are you disappointed about that?"

Nana breathed in some spit and choked out, "No."

"Why are you hiding like that?" Zen teased as Amil roused from his sleep.

"Hiding? Nana? What's wrong? Does it hurt?" Amil went into care mode immediately.

"No. I'm fine. I just think I'll stay like this for a while," Nana assured him while wrapping herself into a blanket cocoon.

Amil and Zen exchanged a look. Amil was slightly concerned, but that emotion could not dampen his overall happiness. Even Zen appeared to be glowing. His expression held relaxed amusement.

The two males left Nana like she wanted and went to prepare for the day. Amil went to hunt while Zen prepared hot water for a bath. Nana remained hidden under her covers while working up the courage to get up and face her official family.

Before that, Nana had something else to accomplish. She was curious about Amil and Zen's bond marks. Nana knew where she left her own on them, but she was a little too involved to remember where theirs ended up.

Nana unwound her blanket armor enough to check. She found Zen's mark first; it was on her heart. She found Amil's second due to its location being hard to see without a reflective surface. His mark appeared on the middle of her back. A tiny version of his beast form appeared frozen in a crouched position right above her spine. Nana rubbed the two marks carefully. Nothing about them felt out of the ordinary. They were both on her torso as she expected.

When a bond forms, the location is telling of how the female initially feels about the male. It is considered an honor for the male to have his mark on his mate's torso. Not that the other places were bad necessarily. Every part of the body that a bond mark can appear had meaning.

A mark on the front of the torso indicates stronger emotional attachment and need. The back of the torso shows strong trust. The position on the legs meant support, whereas the arms signified usefulness. Marks on the hands and feet implied the least attachment to the male.

Her mark was on the back of Amil's heart. On Zen, it was the front. It was embarrassing, but it felt nice to see the visual display of their feelings. They probably felt similarly.

Zen came back into the room and Nana quickly wrapped the blanket around her tightly. She couldn't help being flustered. The two tattoos on her body were not the only marks present. Zen only paid her a smile that did nothing to help her with her current difficulties.

"Are you sure you're done?" he asked as his eyebrow lifted slightly.

"Yes. I'm sure." Nana huffed as she felt the heat crawl up her neck and face. She wasn't being weird at all. Definitely not.

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