46. Too Fast

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The gigant hunt was another success. Troy came home looking half dead though. Nana got worried for a hot minute until he flashed her a satisfied smiled. He looked like he got the most relaxing massage of his life, not a dangerous fight that could've killed him if he wasn't careful.

Zen, on the other hand, looked ruffled and disheveled, but unharmed. Nana checked him over twice and almost stripped him to double check. She smelled blood, but couldn't find where it was coming from.

Zen seized Nana's hands and held them tight. Should they have wandered more, Zen would have found energy reserves for another activity despite his current state. "I'm fine. The wound is shallow and no longer bleeding."

Nana stared very hard at her mate. He turned away and Nana found his ears darker than usual. "Okay."

Her hands were released and Troy spoke up. "He's more than fine." Nana gave him a puzzled look in return. "If you kept going, you would know what I'm talking about."

Nana assumed the worst and immediately thought dirty. She glared at Troy before looking over the gigant. It was another lizard variety.

Troy sat down and watched his mate's reaction towards their accomplishment. She obviously took his comment a different way than he meant it. He did have a track record, but this time, he wasn't insinuating that kind of thing. Looking at Zen's reaction, his words did seem to work both ways. Either way, Nana would find what he meant sooner than later.

Nana inspected the massive corpse of a lizard gigant. She had no way of telling how powerful it was since they did not have power marks like beastmen, but she figured it was strong. Troy was no slouch and he wasn't in great shape. Her assessment ended as soon as Amil came out with the first aid kit and a small life kon.

Nana pushed the kon at Troy and got to work patching him up. The rest of her family admired the corpse. They soon got to work preparing it. Nana had them be extremely careful with it.

She wanted to get as much of its skin as possible. It was too rough and scaly to be used as a bathing suit, but could be used as waterproof material for any future projects needing tarps or the like. It could probably work as a suit of armor too. She still had the last gigant's skin and now she would have more than enough to work with even if she botched her first attempts. And botching them she probably would do. Putting that aside, Nana rolled up her sleeves and got in on some action.

Prepping and cooking took all night. Elizabeth fell asleep in Nana's living space before they were done. The woman did help out with the prep, but crashed before the food was done.

They got several beasts who were interested in purchasing some of the meat. Nana gave those she knew a chance first, then allowed the rest to purchase small cuts. Naturally, she saved the best for herself and her family.

Nana gave some to her two suitors and waited for their reactions. They both seemed to freeze. Nana checked on her own family. Aside from Karan who wore a small frown, no one reacted negatively. Before the two could speak, Nana informed them that this was a test, and that they were both doing well, but shouldn't take the meat as a token. The two males nodded in acceptance and continued to help with the work.

Kibwe, Aspen, Jura, and the jaguar whose name Nana already forgot were allowed to join. Kaito was quiet, but he was doing his part. He paid Nana ahead of time so he had the right.

"A-are you sure we can help?" Kibwe asked her earlier. "We can't pay the rice..." Kibwe paled as he failed at speaking. He flushed deeply as he wished to run away. "Price! I mean, price."

Nana did not laugh at the poor guy. He was obviously struggling. Nana could be cheap, she'd admit that much, but that didn't mean she would never allow a loss if it was for her family or friends. While Nana did not feel close to Aspen especially, Kibwe had left a very good impression on her. She wasn't sure he'd ever be a prospective mate, but she really wanted to have him as a friend. If he was okay with that, of course.

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