5. Inevitable Move

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Thankfully, Kabuki didn't hold anything against her. He didn't, but sometimes, he would throw her an indecipherable look that would unnerve her. Because of that, Nana did not approach Kabuki as often.

Days passed and the weeks turned to months. Nana spent most of the time going stir crazy. Now, she never used to mind inactivity. In fact, Nana could brag about sitting still for nearly 14 hours once. No, she wasn't sleeping, she was reading. Her parents and Kei were away on vacation and she had the house to herself. Her room was preloaded with snacks and she didn't have to leave it more than necessary. That was a good day.

There was a major difference between then and now that should be obvious. Nana had nothing to read, watch, or play. She got good at carving wooden figurines and jewelry, but that wasn't a good way to keep her mind occupied.

Over the months, the seasons changed. Nana tried to enjoy the weather as much as possible. Once it started snowing, she'd be stuck inside. Her tours of the city increased. She even roped in the reluctant family males. Soon, her oldest brothers would be responsible for taking her out. Nana looked forward to that since they were very weak to her requests.

She was able to investigate the inner sanctum of the city fully, aside from the castle. She even met two royals despite her fervent desire not to.

Nana had stared at the younger one more intently than was appropriate. He had messy lavender hair and amethyst color eyes. He looked to be around her age or a little older. If not for her nose, she would have mistook him for a female. Most fox males tended to look feminine. He stared back at her with little emotion. His skin was white like porcelain and almost sickly pale. It reminded her more of Kabuki's skin, but less healthy.

The angry looking, pink scar on his face stood out dramatically. It stretched from his right lip all the way back to his ear. It was two inches or so thick and was ragged. After she stared too long at it, the boy turned around and walked away.

Her ride for the day lightly reprimanded her. "I know it is hid—distracting, but you shouldn't stare at a royal like that," he said with a voice full of pity. Nana's eye twitched. This male was more looks than brains if he thought she didn't catch his slip up.

Nana definitely didn't find the scar appealing. Looking at it caused her to feel phantom sympathy pains. There was no way that didn't hurt like crazy when he got it. Even so, she would never call it hideous. It just looked painful. Very painful.

The second royal she saw was not one Nana recognized from the novel's descriptions either. Polite introductions were had and they went on their way. Nana was almost kicked out after that. Why? Because Yumi had been trying to win over that royal for years. The situation was a delicate one, but Nana made it through thanks to her quick thinking and support of Kabuki and Kaito.

Nana did get to see the castle of gold. It was something, that was for sure. It really was painted in gold. Nana almost choked thinking about how expensive that would cost back on earth. Precious metals here were not valued as high as they were on earth, but they were still quite valuable.

Aside from achieving her goal of seeing a gold, Japanese-like castle, there were no other great accomplishments that she could claim. Her brothers of the same litter on the other hand, had earned their names: Giichi and Keiji. Nana choked up when she heard it. It was so close to her brother's name from her life on earth. Was this a twisted joke of the universe? Because it sure felt like it to Nana. Kei wasn't the same as Keiji. Even so, every time she said Keiji's name, Nana was reminded of the brother from her other life.

Nana tried not to distance herself from the little heathens over her issues and continued to play with them. Sometimes, one or more of the males would take them to the meadow to get some exercise. Nana's involvement threw a lot for a loop, but Kaito and Kabuki only shook their heads at her antics. The males either got used to Nana doing weird things or they pretended like it was not their problem to deal with.

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