6. Making Expectations Known

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The days passed by, Nana noticed the differences of living with only her father. Her life up until then had been very cushy in comparison. Nana was glad she had put on extra weight back when she lived with Yumi because she lost most of the extra pounds. It wasn't like Kaito was starving her, nothing like that, they just did not have excess of anything.

Nana contributed by taking over the house chores. Her mom would've questioned her identity if she learned that Nana willingly volunteered for work. Sadly, her mom was not with her to comment.

Kaito wasn't thrilled with her taking on what he saw as his duties, but Nana was uncharacteristically adamant about it. He wasn't going to deny his cub something she really wanted so long as it was not taxing to her. He made sure to take care of the most difficult chores like changing out the water basin used for bathing and cleaning the waste pot.

It wasn't like Nana solely spent her time doing chores. She hung out with Amil and occasionally visited the Middle with him. She didn't dare step into the inner sanctum. It wasn't worth a confrontation with Yumi, no matter how slim the odds of running into her randomly may be.

Her and Amil got along pretty well. Nana found it cute how he started stuttering when he saw her common form. Nana's new body was blessed with good genes after all. Amil was friendly to her, although, he was a bit reserved.

Nana enjoyed spending time with him. He kept her busy and even helped her with planting a garden. Kaito gave the male a hard time, but didn't forbid him coming around. Kaito knew as well as Nana did that she would need males sooner than later. He did seem surprised that her first suitor was not a fox, but he didn't act inappropriately towards Amil.

Just because they could not mate before Nana matured did not mean they couldn't grow close before than. And Nana was under no delusion that they would just remain friends.

'Friends' was not a widely practiced concept here. Some females had that kind of relationship with other females, but those of the opposite gender did not. Nana knew what expectations Amil had.

The thought of getting married did give her butterflies and she couldn't see Amil that way yet, but Nana knew she would eventually accept it. She had to. It was the only way she was going to survive here. Thankfully, she had more time to come to terms with it.

On one day, like any other, Nana and Amil were tending to the healthy looking garden. It wouldn't be healthy for long due to the cooling weather, but Nana could always replant. They worked in comfortable silence. Nana recalled when they first started hanging out...

Amil wouldn't let her do anything at first. It was the typical male mentality that females were supposed to sit down and let themselves be spoiled. Of course, that didn't sound like a terribly bad way to live to Nana. It just wasn't an achievable way of life for her right now. Plus, Nana was enjoying her little hobby.

Nana eventually convinced him and Amil relented. He wasn't one to force an issue and Nana didn't think he would ever win against her. He was attentive, but never pushy. More reserved than outspoken. Open minded, but not foolish. If she had to say something negative about him, Amil leaned more towards pessimistic thoughts and wasn't very playful.

Something Nana had come to embrace over the years was her more instinctual side. She found herself really enjoying games like tag. She had also started playing with any young cubs who were at the field when she was there. Kaito always had a worried expression on his face, but he did not tell Nana she couldn't.

Amil never judged her for that and even indulged her sometimes despite not caring for it. Back when she played with her family, Nana thought it was a phase that came with being stuck in a young body. Now fourteen, she still had those urges. Nana decided that she didn't need to feel ashamed of it. She was bored, it was fun, and that was good enough for her. There had to be something to fill the void that the lack of internet left her.

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