40. Choosing

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The following day, the choosing event was held. There was no missing it. The noise started early in the morning. Nana pulled a fur over top of her head. It was too early to get up.

Unfortunately, it only got louder. She begrudgingly got up and stretched. Nana's eyes stayed half closed, even when Tashi and Aden barreled into the room.

"Fun. Mama, fun. Fun," Tashi chanted.

"Go?" asked Aden.

Nana hated to put a damper on their enthusiasm. "Sorry, cubs. You are too young to participate." Nana spoke softly in an attempt to lesson the blow.

"Aww." Both boys pouted.

"Nana." Amil stuck his head into the bedroom. "It doesn't start until the sun sinks much lower, but a lot of beasts are excited." He fidgeted because he was too. All the activity got him interested.

He was equal parts nervous and excited. It had been awhile since Amil had seen Nana so relaxed and was happy for her. He also knew that she would be looking for another family member. His tail twitched and swished. He hoped whatever male she inevitably chose would be a good one. One who could help protect her and not make problems for them.

"Okay. Are you going to go? That male said I can take up to three mates with me." Nana rummaged through her clothes to find something comfortable.

Amil thought about it. He wanted to go, but he wasn't sure if he should. Based on what he heard, the singles males will battle and vie for female attention. Once the numbers reduce, a female's males have the option of testing out the strength of the suitors.

Amil was one of the weakest males in Nana's family and watching many stronger beasts bloody each other will get him wound up. If he got anxious, Nana would have a harder time enjoying herself...

"No, I'll stay with the cubs." Amil said.

Nana asked, "Are you sure?" He didn't look happy with his own answer.

"I am," Amil said resolutely. "I know you won't pick a bad male."

His small smile and absolute confidence in her made her happy. She wouldn't pick a 'bad' male as he said. She may not choose at all, but it wouldn't hurt her to see their abilities first hand.

While still in her pjs, Nana walked up and gave Amil a big hug. "I won't. I won't take them right away either. Please don't worry yourself."

Amil purred and returned the hug. "I know." Amil enjoyed his mate's embrace for as long as she let him.

Nana eventually had to let Amil go to get changed. She needed to use the bathroom and eat. Her day needed to start since she was awake.

Nana had an important task to accomplish after she was done. She had to convince Karan to stay behind. Her strongest mate could and would control himself, but Nana didn't want him to scare too many of her suitors off. Troy would be more than enough to test out their skills. Her kangaroo mate needed the fights to curb his near addiction to combat anyway.

Nana planned to have Dakotah stay behind too and gather food for dinner. Zen and Troy would be the only two accompanying her.

She took a deep breath and went to confront Karan. He didn't take the request too hard, but Nana could tell he was dispirited. She worked up her courage to give him a light peck on the lips knowing her mate always liked physical reassurances that she would never neglect him.

Karan was surprised by the brief kiss. They were out in the yard and Nana seldomly liked displays that could be seen by others. Karan's heart fluttered as his mind focused on the soft touch. Finding that the contact ended much too soon, Karan pulled Nana close for a deeper kiss.

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