47. Dates

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While Nana wasn't exactly in the mood to get to know her suitors, she did try. They mostly joined her whenever she would stray outside. If it wasn't for Elizabeth saying something, Nana wouldn't have realized that the culture literally condoned and encouraged stalking.

Like, it was perfectly normal to wake up and find one's suitors waiting just outside of your den or property for a chance to talk. Even when the males would follow the female around, it wasn't considered inappropriate unless it made the female uncomfortable. Nana had gotten so used to the lack of certain boundaries that it did not feel strange to her. So, it was something she didn't feel the need to contemplate any longer.

Her dates mostly consisted of her pulling one or both of the males to a picnic place. That sounded nice, but 100% of the time, they were chaperoned by Karan. Nana ignored her mate and made the best of it. Unfortunately, her two dates could not ignore the male at all. They were always on edge and Nana couldn't get them to relax. She asked Karan to tone it down, but she didn't notice any difference.

"I toned it down," he quoted Nana's words.

"Really?" She had to question him.

Karan nodded confidently. "Yes. I only send out the warning of a four-marked beast instead of a five-marked one." The unplanned practice was helping his overall control, so he did not mind it so much.

Nana dead-panned and sweat-dropped. Clearly, Karan did not catch her intent. But he looked so proud of himself that she couldn't tell him that he failed.

Despite the unideal circumstances in which her dates were held, Nana tried to enjoy herself. If she could, maybe the other two would come to unwind and enjoy the time with her.

To keep herself from repeating the job-like interview she had with Bantu, Nana made sure to always be doing something during the dates. As nice as it sounded to give them her undivided attention, it would probably backfire. She would like to have a proper date with a much less hostile overseer one day. She just had to figure out how to send Karan off without stepping on his tail and feelings.

In the meanwhile, Nana crafted and got her dates to join her. Mundo was not particularly skilled with detailed things, but Paulo was. Thanks to the later, Nana managed to complete several projects with his help. Paulo was able to get somewhat comfortable while they crafted. Nana assumed it had something to do with Karan relaxing over time.

Nana's focus went back to her work, but her thoughts would often drift. Well... this may not be the most progressive way to start a relationship, but maybe Karan would get used to the idea that they were no threat. She could only hope.

Several more stressful dates occurred and Karan did start mellowing out. It was only a tiny improvement, but Nana noticed. The other two males noticed the drop in hostility, but they were still vigilant. Nana figured they had a long way to go.

Zen's seclusion lasted nine days. Because Nana hadn't known exactly when it would end, she prepared food in abundance often. She was ready for him when he came out starving. It wasn't like he didn't get up to get water or use the waste hole, but those times were few and far between.

Once Zen was fed, Nana gave her mate a big hug. How he could look so frumpy and still so pretty was something Nana might not ever understand. Zen returned her hug before speaking quietly into her ear. "I'll use the opportunity to go back to the city den and learn of the situation."

Nana's hair stood on end. "What? Isn't that a really risky move?" Did meditation numb his brain? No, he's got to have a good reason, right?

"No. It's the best time to do it," Zen said with a sigh. He released Nana to look into her confused eyes. "I can confirm who holds the power now and what sate the city is in. If my mother still reigns and doesn't banish me for my crime, I can use my instability as a reason to leave again."

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