44. A Blessing

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The following day, Nana got some good work done before company showed up. Elizabeth joined her for a quick spar, but the woman was dragging badly.

"Having more males helps." Nana hummed.

Elizabeth sighed and grumbled, "I'm beginning to see the appeal."

"Really?" Nana asked a little excitedly.

"I'm not taking a male just to help with the kids," Elizabeth said with a huff.

Nana helped the woman off the ground. Nana would surely put her right back if Elizabeth was up for another round. "I know. It's just a really nice perk."

Elizabeth took the hand offered to her and pulled herself up. After everything that had happened, Elizabeth really felt that things could not keep going like they were. Both her and Kaito were exhausted. But still, Elizabeth did not want to rush something so important. She just wouldn't be stubborn about letting it happen...

The two sparred one more round. Troy oversaw the training today and watched the males gather around. He cracked his head from side to side and gave them a wild grin. Unfortunately, half of them fled immediately.


Nana heard the clicking of her mate's tongue and tried to figure out what got him irritated. Her eyes landed on the group of males hanging back. There were several familiar and baffled faces among them.

"Well, I'd never..." muttered the old male from yesterday. "Fighting females outside of the City of Rain... will the madness continue to spread?" The male shook his head in distaste.

Nana's forehead twitched as she registered his words loud and clear. Elizabeth did not manage to pick his monologue up with her human senses and was oblivious to it. Nana ignored the comment and stretched her muscles lightly.

The older male walked up with Kibwe trailing behind him. "Good day, females. I have recalled more details about the village," said the old male haughtily.

Aspen came out of the woods with two different plants in his hands. One was healthy, one was not.

"Good day to you two," Nana greeted them politely. "Please, do tell."

The older male was pleased with Nana's response. It was about time someone acknowledged his wisdom. The male then regaled stories of the past. Some were related to the issue at hand, while others were not. The older male got completely off-topic at one point.

The plants Aspen had carried only served to exaggerate his story, but offered little significance otherwise. And here Nana had gotten excited thinking they'd have a breakthrough. Nana hinted for Troy to find a way to end the torture. Elizabeth was able to excuse herself to feed her cubs, but Nana had nothing.

Troy caught the plea for help and grinned. Nana was the one who got herself into the mess, but he was willing to help... if there was something else in it for him. After all, Nana was more than capable of getting out of this one without help. When Nana glanced at him next time he did nothing but smile.

Troy's expression irritated Nana. Was he finding her situation funny? Was he not willing to help? How long would she sit here and listen to how the village was founded and when the first dens were built? It would have been interesting if the male wasn't detailing everything like a wordy poem.

"That's enough," Troy said. "We have things to do."

'Yes. Perfect,' Nana thought. "Thank you for the valuable information, but we do need to get back to work."

The old male did not take the hint and countered that females did not have to do anything. Nana basically had to tell him that she was doing something anyway to chase him off. Kibwe had remained quiet the whole time. Aspen looked like he fell asleep with his eyes open.

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