60. A Good Life

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Hello and thank you so much for making it to this chapter.  This is the last chapter for Nana's main story! I'm so excited to have made it here and glad you guys and gals have joined me.  This is my first complete, original story and I've learned a lot in the process. 

I'm undecided on whether I will be posting bonus chapters or not.  I am, however, planning a sequel.  I may post an extra part to this book that contains something like a Q&A for both me and the readers.  So if you have any questions, feel free to ask. ^_^

Please note, that I also include updates and my future plans on my profile page, for those of you who may be curious.  Thanks again and happy reading! :D

--Posted May 15, 2023.

Zen had sent word back to Nana that he arrived without trouble. That consideration was noted and definitely worth the expense of purchasing a messenger's services.

Since Zen would be gone for a while, Nana established a new routine and tried not to worry much. They predicted he'd be gone the rest of the season and most of the next. Zen promised to come back at least once every couple of months, three at the most, until his goal was achieved.

Nana kept a calendar to be sure of timing. That was a long time for him to be away from her and she did not like it. Even though she didn't, Nana could deal with it. She kind of had to in order for Zen to get better.

Nana thanked the messenger and sent a written note back with him. Nana never had a pen pal before. Perhaps Zen would get a kick out of the idea of sending messages via flyer. But it would burn a hole in her wallet if she wasn't careful. They couldn't afford to do it excessively, but they should be able to communicate at least once a month; maybe twice.

While Zen was away, home improvements were in full swing and the village was developing nicely. She and Elizabeth were trying out gardens again and things were looking up. It was too soon to tell if the plants would be okay, however. Nana had a feeling that it may take a few years for the soil to bounce back, but it wasn't going to stop anyone from trying.

Nana and Elizabeth started going out more and getting to know the locals. Well, the female locals. Sometimes they went together and sometimes not. Elizabeth seemed to be coming into her own and acted more indecently than Nana expected. But Nana was not upset by this. In fact, Nana cheered. She had seven husbands and two kids to entertain. Nana's plate was pretty full.

Despite that, Nana did her networking. Making connections was important for her future business.

Both her and Elizabeth made a friend in Michelle, the wolf female that Nana had met once before. The woman loved asking dirty questions and Nana found Elizabeth's expressions funny. Nana would have fun until Michelle would start asking her things. Then it was Elizabeth's turn to enjoy her discomfort.

Michelle was a very open female with no shame. Nana figured she was going to grow extremely thick skin if she continued to hang out with her. But Elizabeth was in the same boat. They could both sink together. That's what friends are for, right?

About two days after Nana's 20th birthday, Nana got her estrous. Her and her mates had worked out another embarrassing schedule before she started.

Zen was away and passing up his turn. Karan was focusing on home improvements and gaining strength. He said he'd rather not have 15 hatchlings to raise. Nana had gulped at that number. He was being serious. Fifteen was the average clutch size for his kind. Nana was secretly glad he passed this year. That was a lot of mouthes to feed.

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