8. Harsh Reality

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They hadn't gotten but a few steps when an eerie howl of a wolf cut through the sounds of splashing beasts and female chatter. They both froze. All sounds around the lake hushed immediately. Another howl reached the ears of those present causing panic.

Nana's muscles froze in place as her ears stood erect and alert. Her nose lifted to scent the air as multiple howls and roars sounded in the distance. The message of danger was clear, but Nana had a difficult time reacting.

Her nose picked up no foreign smells, but she still could not move. The beastmen, who were busily bathing moments ago, were now rushing around in a chaotic fashion. Nana would have remained rooted to her spot had Amil not forcefully pushed her along in the direction of the Middle.

The warning cries in the distance turned to ones of battle. Amil pushed her again and Nana finally found her ability to move. Nana heard the thundering of her heartbeat and felt it in her throat. Her claws sunk into earth and ripped through grass as she tore through the fields and forested areas that lay in between the lake and the more populated parts of the city.

Her muscles burned with exertion, but Nana did not let up. She was keenly aware of Amil following her haunch closely, but she couldn't focus on the surroundings. A few times, Amil guided her into thicker foliage. It slowed them down, but it was better than being in the exposed places where a flyer could pick them off.

Halfway to their destination, a pair of fighting males fell into their path. The stench of blood assaulted Nana's nose as she backpedaled. One flyer had broken the fall of the other and lay dying. Nana hoped it was the enemy. When the survivor's gaze locked with hers and she knew luck wasn't on her side.

The flyer jumped at her suddenly, but Amil tackled it to the ground. The eagle had either received too much damage or was immature and distracted by Nana's presence. If Nana's mind wasn't still spinning, she would've thanked god for that.

Amil targeted a wing and managed a solid blow. Blood and feathers flew as Nana stood, her mind blank. She remained motionless until Amil yelled at her, "Go Nana!" Snapping out of it, Nana did as she was told.

She ran and questioned herself. Should she have stayed and helped? Could she have? Would she have been strong enough to make a difference? Her pace slowed slightly as indecision filled her heart.

Nana wasn't a fighter. Her instincts could only take her so far. She was a liability, and both her and Amil new it. It still hurt to leave him like that. The flyer being grounded did not erase the threat he could pose in battle. Beasts that were backed into a corner were always dangerous. They become more desperate and less predictable. But Amil...

Nana shook her head and ran harder. The way she could help him was to to get to safety. That was her role right now and Nana didn't let herself falter again. When Nana made it to the Middle, she slowed her pace as exhaustion hit her. She dragged ragged breaths of air into her needy lungs. While she tried to re-oxygenate, a male flew down towards her. Nana bared her fangs and growled at him.

"Ally," the hawk cried. "Follow. I'll lead you to the shelter," he ordered, sounding out of breath himself.

Nana obeyed. Could he have been an enemy and she was walking into a trap? Yes, but it seemed unlikely. The hawk male did not stare at her like the eagle had. He did not see her as prize or prey and Nana was too harried to follow anything other than her instincts. Those instincts said to listen, so she did.

Nana was led to the shelter and was left there. Once she was ushered inside by several guarding males, she collapsed. She was brought a bowl of water by a trembling male, and she greedily lapped it up. Once she got her bearings, Nana looked around. There were about thirty or so other females present. Some were in their beast forms, but most were in their common forms.

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