38. Be Positive

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The following day, Nana kicked out Elizabeth. Kaito found her a den and Nana almost carried Elizabeth to it herself. Now, Elizabeth wasn't all that annoying, but Nana wanted her space. Plus, Elizabeth wasn't raining positivity into Nana's life and she needed some more of that.

It wasn't like they didn't see each other every single day anyway. Kaito still had to bring her around when he went out hunting. Awa ended up coming by more often than Nana really liked. She was starting to feel like a day care... Could she turn that into profit somehow? If she was stuck doing it anyway, she might as well get something out of it.

The villagers treated them like a spectacle for a few days. Nana took advantage of it and practiced Zen's advice. Amil was placed in charge of the shop in hopes of capitalizing on the piqued interests of the villagers.

Karan was granted hunting responsibility for the family. Troy was the family trainer and the village one. The latter kind of happened by accident. Dakotah was the cub sitting forager and Zen the bodyguard. In other words, nothing much changed. At least they got an A+ for consistency. She'd have to think harder about Zen's advice and work on it later.

Her boys were doing well. They loved the new village. Especially since there were pigeon-like birds everywhere for them to chase and hunt. Nana was secretly glad her boys were gung-ho about thinning out the population. All she seemed to hear was muted hooting and flapping of wings. The smell of pigeon poop did not excite her either.

Nana started establishing a routine and went to the river daily. Thankfully, she had her swimsuit with her. The den wasn't big enough for a bathroom, so the river was the place to bathe. The females did have a section to themselves where single males were banned from approaching, but Nana wasn't for bathing nude next to strangers regardless of gender.

Elizabeth held similar opinions, but lacked a bathing suit. The woman ended up using her underwear from earth which gained her more attention than she would have if she was totally bare. Females tended to get bored and were interested in every new thing or trend. Elizabeth's garments drew more attention than Nana's suit did.

Nana did catch site of Kaito's bond mark on her chest, but she soon left Elizabeth to her own devices. The woman would learn to handle herself around other females and today was a good opportunity for her. Nana had already provided more than enough support. She watched the poor Elizabeth try to cover her sizable chest with her arm before going on her way.

The flow of the river was weak here, hence why the females were bathing without males around to act as life guards. Nana tried to drift belly up while watching the sky. She mostly sunk, but found it nice anyway.

Now that she was able to relax a little more, Nana was able to think happier thoughts. There were some positive things to be said about everything.

They got away unharmed with no losses from their most recent ordeal. They hadn't been there long, but Nana liked the village well enough. Her den was being improved upon every minute thanks to the hard work of her mates. She also may have earned brownie points with the City of Rain's royalty for taking care of Awa. Her cubs were healthy bundles of energy, and she, too, was in good health. Yeah, Nana just had to think about it positively. That was how she was going to thrive.

"Umm," a call broke Nana out of her thoughts.

Nana sat up and treaded water. Her eyes met big brown ones belonging to a small female. Her auburn hair was short and her long ears flicked around cutely. "Yes?" Nana asked as she held back her opinion.

"Down there." The little girl pointed.

Nana noticed the moisture in her eyes were tears and not water. She glanced down to see a cloth at the bottom of the river. The water was crystal clear so it wasn't a feat to see it.

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