15. Growth

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 Nana spent the next few days relaxing at home. Amil was still high-strung from the recent news, and Nana was more than happy to oblige his need to see her safe. He wasn't controlling about it. Not at all. She could read him pretty good and chose to humor him. She was cool with a staycation.

Whenever she had an urge, she'd get up from bed and make some toys. Thank the deity of this world that she didn't have to worry about diapers. Beastmen can only shift to their human-like forms after years of living in their beast one. Nana herself shifted at the age of four. The earliest Nana should fear for is two years of age. Five is the average. Since that was the case, there was no need for Nana to worry about baby clothes. Unless she wanted to make little animal clothes... Oh, she was totally doing that.

A week ended up passing with Nana doing little. Amil ran the shop twice a week while Zen helped keep their inventory up. Feeling that it had been long enough, Nana went to the town. Zen accompanied her today since Amil was hunting. The place she wanted to go wouldn't let Amil in anyway.

They made their way through the Middle and walked right into the inner sanctum. Nana headed towards her old den. She and Zen were stopped multiple times by passing beastmen. They were mostly greetings instead of conversations. When they finally made it to their destination, Nana was welcomed by Kabuki.

It had been years since they had seen each other. "Hi," Nana greeted awkwardly. "Long time no see."

"Indeed." Kabuki's passive expression showed a flicker of interest. His eyes settled on Zen and he gave the royal a proper greeting. Looking back at Nana, Kabuki commented, "You grew well cub."

His tone sounded sincere throwing Nana off. "Thanks. I tried," Nana shrugged. Her comment earned her Kabuki's smirk.

"Did you now?" He asked. It was a rhetorical question, but Nana answered anyway.

"Yes, but not hard," Nana replied. Zen turned away hiding his own smile. Kabuki chuckled.

"Looks like something has not changed," Kabuki retorted as his eyes sparkled with amusement. The male's ears flickered and his expression tightened. "What brings you here?"

"Looking for my father," Nana stated.

Kabuki paused for a moment. An unreadable expression flickered on his face. "Do you need something so soon?"

Nana did not fall for his bait. "Only to tell him that he'll be a grandfather," Nana said with a cheeky little smile. She got a mildly surprised look from Kabuki in return.

Grandparents did not typically have a relationship with their grandcubs, but the term still existed. Kaito may not spend much time with her children, but Nana wanted Kaito to have the opportunity.

"Congratulations," Kabuki said not bothering to retain his aloof expression any longer. "Fox cubs I presume?"

"Don't know." Nana shrugged feeling her face heat slightly. She turned away briefly until her embarrassment subsided.

"Seems you had a good time." Kabuki's lip lifted slightly. "No need to feel embarrassed Nana, that's how it happens sometime." Nana gave Kabuki an exasperated look. "What is that look for?" he asked innocently. "If you ask His Highness here, I'm sure he will agree."

Throughout the conversation, Zen remained quiet. The conversation was friendly and the relationship between the two seemed good. But that was what was strange. Such friendliness was never advised or supported between a male and female of different families. Especially not with a fox male that had connections to the royal family. Zen had seen the male in front of him at the castle a couple of times over the last decade and that would certainly make a female question their loyalty, let alone him...

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