39. Feeling Good

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After a week of living in their new home, Nana started to really feel better about a lot of things. Her den was getting a lot of improvements and she was mingling with the locals well. She had been on the fence about her final destination, but this village wasn't looking like a bad choice. It was mostly quiet and comfortable. With some improvements here and there, Nana could see her and her family sticking around for a while.

They had yet to settle into a routine, but things were still a little too fresh and they had a lot to accomplish. They were trying though. Crafting was also something that Nana was getting back into with the help of Elizabeth.

Speaking of, the woman would give birth around the start of the next season. That was only a few weeks or so away. Despite the looming birth date, Elizabeth was not stressing out as bad. In fact, she was doing so much better after her break down. Sometimes, letting it all out was that helpful.

Nana's relationship with Awa improved. Instead of receiving open hostility from the girl, like she had in the beginning, Nana now got occasional brooding hostility. Yay for improvements. Nana had Elizabeth to thank for taming the wild child.

Whatever beef Awa had with Nana, did not spill over to her cubs. Her boys actually got along great with the little female. Watching them interact would bring a smile to Nana's face. Sometimes though, it also brought a frown. Awa was definitely the boss of the group and her boys followed along like ducklings. Given Awa's combative nature and identity, Nana had concerns. Someone had to always keep an eye on them and that someone was usually Paulo.

Nana wasn't the keenest on leaving her cubs in the care of a male that didn't belong to her family, so she usually sent Dakotah along too or she went herself. If she went, Zen did too. Sometimes, Nana would have Dakotah switch with him for body guard duties. Other times, Troy would elect himself to join her.

Awa did help her boys hunt. She even seemed to enjoy showing off and teaching them. Nana never let them go far, but they didn't have to. They would hunt bugs and birds.

The village had a ton of birds flying around that the boys loved chasing. No one minded the birds much since they helped control the insects. Nana liked that the boys could be kept busy with them, but the bird poop everywhere was not appealing to her.

After another week and change of acclimating, Nana was definitely feeling much better. Elizabeth too. One day, Nana caught Elizabeth talking with Jura and hid behind her den.

"Na-!" Nana covered Dakotah's mouth before he could expose them. She pulled him over to hide with her as she listened to them talk. It was idle chatter and mostly boring. Nana sighed as Jura tried to hand a gift to Elizabeth. The woman was trying to gently refuse it, but ended up accepting it anyway.

Nana heard the approach of soft steps and found Awa scrutinizing the two of them. "No wonder Mama doesn't trust foxes," the girl muttered, causing Nana's brow twitched.

They had been on better terms, but their relationship could hardly be called good. Nana didn't bother defending herself. The kid had a tendency to deny anything that contradicted her mother's teachings. It was better to ignore it and hopefully teach by demonstration. Nana wasn't doing a good job of that since eavesdropping wasn't exactly a positive act.

Nana stepped out with her hands above her head and shrugged at Elizabeth's surprised expression. Jura was cool as a cucumber since he knew they were there the whole time. Nana gave Elizabeth a half-hearted sorry as she looked up to the sky. A cool breeze blew by telling Nana that the season was close to changing.

Nana hummed as she side-eyed Jura. Kaito knew he wasn't enough protection for Elizabeth. He was letting the male close despite his mate's heavily pregnant state. Nana couldn't imagine how much control that took. Then again, Kaito was a lot older and more experienced than Zen and Amil were when she was pregnant. Maybe it wasn't that incredible of a feat? Nana wasn't sure.

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