55. Take Charge

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The following day, Nana attempted to do what she needed to do. Paulo was out hunting with Karan, so that left Mundo who was practically glued to the spot by the fire.

"Are you okay?" Nana asked as she sat down next to him. He nodded, but stayed silent. She changed her question. "What's wrong?" It was obvious that he couldn't handle the cold, but Mundo had two marks. He should be tolerating it better than he was.

Mundo leaned into Nana's side since she initiated the sparse contact first. "The City of Rain never gets this cold." He spoke every word slowly. "We do not get frost or snow."

"Oh." The city was in the far south. "You've never felt cold like this before?" He shook his head. Nana made mental note to check on Paulo later too.

Mundo sat, warming up as Nana allowed him to lean into her. It felt nice and he was feeling tired again. His eyes dropped until Nana said something to her kangaroo mate that stepped in front of her.

"Really?" She asked, staring at Troy.

"No?" he asked in return.

Nana looked at the piece of wood in Troy's hand. "He's tired." Nana did not look at Mundo and refused to feel embarrassed.

"He won't be if you let me light this," retorted Troy.

Mundo could tell he was the subject of the conversation and cracked open his eyes. He didn't know what the wood was or why lighting it would make him less tired. But surely Nana's strong mate had a reason... But his mind was foggy. He wasn't usually the thinker anyway. Paulo did that and Mundo followed orders. It was easier that way.

Nana glared at the piece of wood. Troy sighed. "Look. He isn't going to warm up before he cools down. You want to wait for the next season?"

Troy didn't want Nana to hold herself back now. He hadn't gotten to mate recently and Nana wouldn't with him until she did with the two new males. And he had no problem pushing them along to further his own goals. It wasn't like it wouldn't happen anyway.

Nana nudged Mundo whose half-lidded eyes promised to shut shortly. They didn't need to talk about him like he wasn't right here. The big, muscly male did not seem to understand or care what they were talking about though.

Troy decided to be direct. "You two mating or not?"

And just like that, Mundo was awake. Nana blushed and slapped her palm on her forehead. Yeah, she forgot that Troy was bad at subtle.

Mundo's eyes burrowed into her face while Troy also waited. Did Nana have to take the lead here? Darn, she was used to others doing that for her. Nana worked up her courage to ask the sleepy snake if he wanted to.

Nana cleared her throat and asked. She had a hard time looking at the handsome male, but she managed to do it. "What do you think? If you don't want to, we won't," she said.

Troy rolled his eyes and lit the wood. He let it burn and went elsewhere. Watching the two be indecisive was frustrating him. If you want something, then go get it. That was one of his creeds and he lived by it. If the snake male didn't take Nana's offer, he was going to.

Zen did not find a reason to interrupt and let Troy handle the prodding. It didn't hurt to give Nana a push here and there. Especially since she was used to males who were forward.

Mundo stood up on his two legs. "We can?" he asked. He hadn't expected to so soon, but he would. The idea of mating had never inspired strong emotions in him before, but that was before he found a female he wanted. A spark of curiosity followed by one of excitement lit a small fire inside him.

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