11. Forced

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Nana did not freeze during the season, nor did she die of boredom. She survived. She did, but she may have cried tears of joy once the season of life officially came around. She behaved the same way every year, so Kaito was used to her theatrics.

Nana excitedly greeted Amil who came straight to her. She gave his big head some scratches and pets when he did. She noticed his less than filled out appearance when she did so. He wasn't the only one who lost weight, Nana had too. Neither one had much fat to spare to begin with. They each looked at the other with concerned eyes and decided that putting back on the weight was their first priority of the season.

Once they accomplished that, Nana introduced her new product chain to Amil. He gave her his compliments, but Nana knew Amil had no ability to appreciate art. The functional items, however, he gave more genuine reactions to.

Nana set her stall back up once the market scene turned lively. Zen started coming back around and even helped out sometimes. Her art sales were negligible, but the useful items were steadily sold.

After the weather warmed up enough, Nana planted seeds in her garden. Nana did not know how to check for soil ph without the help of modern day goods, so she could only hope for now. She would make a compost heap soon to help. The season continued on and Nana enjoyed it.

Around the end of the season, Nana had a fateful encounter she would much rather forget.

Nana and Amil were on their way home when their paths crossed with a fox royal that was not Zen. A purple-haired, beautiful man hummed while leaning against a tree. "Looks are passable. Personality is strange at best. Lineage is acceptable," he spoke as he looked over Nana.

Nana felt a shiver crawl up her spine. The way he was assessing her was like a good up for sale. His indigo eyes raked over her and Nana forced back a growl. Amil, on the other hand, did not stop himself from verbalizing his dislike.

The male received Amil's growl with disinterest. Nana lowered her head into a bow and gave a respectful greeting despite her displeasure. The male paid her manners little mind.

"Hmm. Leopard, don't you think your future female is getting hungry," the male compelled. Nana flinched as the magic brushed along her consciousness, and she looked worriedly at Amil. "You should go."

Nana watched as Amil's eyes clouded over, "Yes! Don't worry Nana, I'll be back soon," Amil said enthusiastically before leaving her with the royal alone.

"Am—!" Before Nana could call him back, she found a hand over her mouth. Since the male was not minding the rules, Nana did not either. She bit him: hard.

The male pulled his hand away and clicked his tongue. His aggravated expression changed quickly back to his flippant one. "Ho~ She bites, does she?"

Nana felt her lips raise in a silent snarl, but held them down by the force of will. "What do you want?" Nana asked coldly.

"Aren't you a rude little thing?" he hummed.

Nana wasn't so small anymore. She guessed she was about 5'3 or 5'4. The male staring down at her wasn't even a full head taller than her. She let his comment pass. "With all due respect Your Highness," Nana addressed the male whose description she knew well from the novel. She chose her next words carefully, "You have compelled my male from my side and touched me without my consent. If you are looking for an apology, you should begin with yours."

Nana held her breath waiting for his response. Talking like that was gutsy, but Nana knew her rights. He crossed a line and his status would not protect him from repercussions if Nana wanted to pursue the matter. Of course, she would also have to accept a punishment for injuring a royal prince, but she could live with that.

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