23. Foolish Female

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When the cubs passed five weeks old, Nana finally started going out again. She'd go to the lake to swim and the market to window-shop. Sometimes she would make purchases, but not often. Nana was stopped frequently and chatted with. Some were females who wanted to gossip, others were single males hoping to get lucky. The latter rarely approached her if Zen or Karan were with her.

It was on a hot day like any other that Nana was perusing the stalls. A bamboo umbrella was held over her head by Karan to keep Nana from getting cooked and he refused to relinquish it. Nana didn't try that hard to take it from him and enjoyed the shade instead. She was not the only one. Any other females present were in the same boat.

Nana visited the upper end paint store looking for more colorful pigments to decorate her crafts with. Zen was doing a great job picking up all of her slack lately, but he needed more materials. The least she could do was make sure they had enough for him to work with. While she was bargaining with the merchant for a better deal on yellow and pink pigments, a female started raising her voice from the stall across the way.

"A medium kon? Do you think this is worth a medium kon? You think I'm stupid or something? Lower the cost," demanded a female with bright blond hair and lightly tanned skin.

Nana frowned as she watched the female harass a frazzled shopkeeper by devaluing his goods. Nana didn't know if the item was worth the amount, but she did know that the female was a failure at bargaining. The female carried on until the shopkeeper gave in and sold his work for half the cost.

The female looked smug in her victory. Her blond ears swiveled as she listened to the gossip centered around her. Nana sighed and went back to her haggling. She got a break on the price and saved 10 percent of the original cost. Nana hummed in satisfaction when the same female started trouble with another shopkeeper.

The fox male that she just bought the pigments from whispered lowly, "You may not know since you haven't been out lately... By the way, congratulations." He interrupted himself and Nana received the praise. "That is Ada, a lion female. She is new to the city and is always kicking up a fuss." With a disgusted face, he continued, "She has little respect for the customs here."

Nana observed the female from her peripherals. "Powerful males or strong backer?" Nana asked knowingly. Females could only get away with so much in this city, especially non-foxes. If no one had put her in her place, there was a reason.

The fox male's eyes drifted to his wares, but he continued to watch without directly staring. "Both," he confirmed. "Brought a four marked lion male with her and has a noble male of pure bloodline."

"She won't have the later long if she keeps that up." Nana sighed in disappointment, realizing she was gossiping.

"Yes. He is young though; newly mature," the merchant agreed.

Feeling this was a good opportunity, Nana continued the conversation. "Any other...interesting ones gracing the market."

Sensing the opportunity to make more kon, the merchant pounced. "Hmm, one or two..."

Knowing the game all too well, Nana placed the kon she just saved on the table. He swiped it quickly and smiled happily.

"A female from the City of Dunes has been here since the festival. Rumor has it that she is a royal jackal staying at the castle," he said while lowering his voice.

Karan who remained quiet but alert trained his ears to take in everything around him. He was mostly busy keeping all males from approaching Nana. If Nana had a male she was interested in, she'd approach him. Everyone else was not allowed near her.

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