48. Under the Cover of Night

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Once her company was gone, Nana settled down. Well, she tried to settle down. She was restless. She felt like there was something else she should be doing, but wasn't sure what. She double checked all of her bond marks and nothing was wrong. She did her best to focus on them, but the results were nothing, as usual.

Since she was unable to sleep, Nana got up and got some more work done. She loved that she could see so well with little lighting. Thanks to that perk, Nana worked for another couple of hours before she got up to stretch. She went to the bathroom while she was up and found Troy waiting for her. Yeah, her privacy rights were still nonexistent, but it was something she was pretty used to.

"You should come with me," Troy said seriously.

Nana blinked, taken aback. Still, she listened. Troy rarely got serious on her, so it must be important. He took a stance and waited. Nana took several seconds to process what he wanted.

"I'm not dressed for that, Troy." Nana tried to get out of it. Not that she really wanted to. She had an unnatural amount of energy to burn and it was a good option.

"Then undress. I don't mind." Troy winked and waited.

Nana sent him a weak glare in return. "Nice try," she said blandly, full of sarcasm.

"It was worth a try." He shrugged and goaded her on. "Come on, Nana."

She thought about it for a second. She had an itch to scratch and Troy was going to help her with that. Nana took a step forward and then another. She didn't like to waste things, but she did have enough night-gowns. The one she was wearing was older too... 'To heck with it.' Nana was going to do it.

She rushed Troy and went for a a solid jab to his face. Of course, she didn't have a prayer's chance in hell to hit him with a direct attack so she made a feint. The incoming kick was still blocked. She rained several blows on him, but none successfully hit their marks. Troy then started to fight back.

Nana couldn't even catch most of his movements with her eyes. Since she couldn't see him move, she focused on reacting. Unfortunately, that did not help her miraculously pull out a win or even a solid hit. It did however seem easier than usual. She felt sharper somehow. She took a few light jabs from Troy who obviously wasn't trying to hurt her, but she definitely felt them.

They went at it for another minute until the softest of sounds pricked both of their ears.

Troy pushed Nana down as something flew over her head. Before she could react, a loud thunk and sounds of bones breaking was heard. Nana crouched low to the ground and looked around. Troy was no longer on top of her, but was surrounded by three owls the size of small cars. One lay unmoving on the ground.

Nana felt pressure come her way and she rolled to the side. An owl nearly missed her. The beast did not make it far before a furious Karan tore it out of the sky. With that, a surprise battle was most definitely underway. Nana was ready to beeline for her den, but she needed to check for enemies. Sure enough, another owl dived towards her as several scorpions came from the brush.

Nana rolled out of the way again before shifting. It wasn't a smart move since that would make her a much bigger target to hit. But they weren't trying to kill her. It'd be harder to snatch her like this.

Clothes tore while roars and screeches shook the air as the rest of the village woke up and joined the fight. Nana was no longer pestered by the beasts since Amil and Dakotah had come out to defend her.

Troy was having a great time, but his priorities were in check. He constantly made sure Nana was in control of her situation while literally beating his foes to death. He did not like how close they came to his mate, but he wasn't the only one defending her.

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