54. A Favorable Answer

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Nana promised Amil a date for another time. He accepted that without appearing disappointed. In the meanwhile, Nana waited for Karan to come to her. She wouldn't rush him, but she hoped he would come to a decision before the season of frost started.

On the topic of decisions, Nana and Zen discussed about him returning to the city to help Akito clean up the mess left behind by the former ruler. Apparently it wasn't pretty.

The late queen had a lot of dirty laundry left to air out and now Akito had to take care of it. Nana did not feel a shred of sympathy for him. Only for Zen did she feel bad.

While Zen did not inform her of the details, the fox queen had participated in some very sketchy rituals that had come to light. He seemed especially nervous about that topic, so Nana didn't pry. He'd tell her if he thought it was important.

The fox queen was gone and anything Zen would tell her won't change that. Of course, if he needed a therapy buddy to suffer alongside, Nana would do it. That's what marriage was about.

So that was a little cynical... But it was a part of being there for each other. And Nana would be there for Zen or any of her mates.

That being said, Zen chose to go during the second month of the season of life. He may miss her heat, but he has graciously passed his chance to the others.

Zen assured her that once this was all said and done, he would not only receive help with stabilizing, he would also earn freedom for his future cubs. That was an angle Nana forgot to consider. Thank goodness Zen was on top of the matter. Nana did not want blood on her hands. And blood there would be if anyone tried to forcefully take her cubs from her.

On the topic of cubs, Nana was starting to work more closely with her boys. She planned to teach them well while they were stuck inside for a lot of the season. It probably wouldn't be very productive since her boys had the attention spans of gnats, but she was going to try anyway. They were going to be two next year, but their brain development was already comparable to human three-year-olds. Nana wasn't an expert on child development, but she still felt they were pretty advanced.

As for Elizabeth's cubs, they were not saying much, but Nana might be able to start teaching them single words. Elizabeth would be impressed, if she could understand them. Which she can't. It was a shame she couldn't understand beast speech too...

Wait a second...

How can Elizabeth understand everyone. No, how did Nana? She totally brushed this fact off before, but now that she though about it... what language was she speaking? It wasn't english or Japanese. But Nana understood it clearly from the first day she found herself here.

Maybe she can explain her ability. Beastmen were born with the ability to inherently pick up language. Nana got stuck in a body of a beastmen, one that was already old enough to know both beast language and the common one, but what about Elizabeth?

Maybe she would ask one day. It was hardly important, but Nana was really curious now. Maybe her friend just magically knew it because of the skill 'author says so,' or maybe the goddess granted her the language. Too bad the goddess didn't also give Elizabeth beast language comprehension... Oh well. There was no sense in Nana thinking too much more about it.

Getting back on topic, Nana was going to teach them too during the coldest months. Hopefully, Elizabeth comes back to do that herself, but she was not holding her breath.

Nana made her way to the nice, warm fire in the main room. It was something she was used to seeing, but it occurred to her that this wasn't a good practice. They needed to change the way they heat the den. Nana was sure something like that had already been invented here, but some beastmen just love to monopolize knowledge.

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