29. New Plan

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Nana decided to change her plans. She needed a distraction from Amil's absence and Elizabeth was here to provide it. Kaito came by everyday for the next week and dropped his charge off. Nana was actually plenty glad to babysit one extra individual since the woman was able to entertain her cubs.

Elizabeth clearly appreciated the distraction from her 'terrible' situation. Okay, Nana was being judgey. Elizabeth got dropped into the world with no knowledge on anything. Nana, on the other hand, got a cut and dry 'You're dead,' from the powers that be. She also had cheat information that let her navigate her new life easier.

Elizabeth got plot armor, but the woman wasn't aware of that. This whole thing must feel like a very unfortunate reality to her. Nana would know since she followed the main character on her journey for the next two years. Of course, things were already different.

Since Elizabeth now had a Nana that wasn't trying to mess her life up, things should go much better for the lone human in this world.

Nana made sure to drill culture and etiquette into Elizabeth over the next week to further help her. Nana didn't care about any mistakes Elizabeth made, but there were times when the woman bugged her mates. Elizabeth treated everyone nicely. She was polite and wasn't needy. She was also fair and expressed that with her words. Those traits lent to her creating mass arterial casualties, as many males had their hearts stolen in the story. But those were single males.

In the novel, Elizabeth never interacted with many taken males. And since all of Nana's mates were obviously taken, her seemingly kind actions earned her the discomfort of those she involved. Nana wasn't the nicest person, so she was actually really glad her males didn't like Elizabeth. Her main character willies did not seduce Karan and steal him from Nana. He even actively avoided Elizabeth. Nana saw that as a huge blessing.

Of course, being nice was in Nana's favor right now. She did her best to explain why Elizabeth's 'thank you's' and attempts at being friendly were not well received by her family.

"So, don't take it hard. It's obvious that you grew up somewhere very different in terms of culture," Nana assured. Maybe it wasn't obvious to most, but she knew Elizabeth's situation better than the woman herself. "It's not encouraged for females to act friendly towards bonded males. It basically looks really bad."

"...I'm supposed to be rude then?" Elizabeth asked with concern etched into her features. She didn't want to be rude, but being seen as a home-wrecker was worse.

"Well, that would work sort of, but you don't have to go that far." Nana placed a finger on her chin. "You just don't want to seem very interested in them. Like how you asked Dakotah about his childhood. It might seem friendly and informative to you, but that'd be considered too invasive."

"So..." Elizabeth put on her thinking expression. "I just need to keep it impersonal?"

"Yes, that's a perfect way to put it." Nana agreed with a clap of her hands. "For example, say you saw Dakotah carrying an interesting fruit. Asking him about where he found it or if it was safe for all females to eat would be perfectly okay so long as you don't keep pestering him with question after question."

"Okay, I get it," Elizabeth stated. Nana was making things easy for her to understand. All the new knowledge was also distracting her from thinking about depressing things. Unfortunately, Elizabeth was still suffering from acute culture shock and hadn't felt like herself.

Thanks to Nana's crash course in beast world culture, Elizabeth gained a good understanding of what was going on around her and how to act without drawing extra attention. She also removed her thick glasses in her attempt to blend in better. Her prescription was really weak anyway.

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