57. What Happened Was...

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So, here's another chapter that got a do-over.  I've been going over it for a couple of hours now, changing and rearranging things. My brain is struggling today, so if you notice any jarring sentences or anything that comes off as odd, please feel free to point it out. I'll be taking a look at this chapter again when the changes are no longer fresh, and can correct things then. Thank you and enjoy. -Posted May 4, 2023.

The official start of the year came with the beginning of the next season. Nana never really cared about the change in calendar year since most beastmen didn't really keep track of it. They simply felt that the next year began when the outside world came back to life.

Karan woke up as soon as the first wave of warmer weather came through. It took Mundo and Dakotah another week to do the same. They all survived another season of frost and they didn't look too shabby either. Well, the ones who didn't sleep the winter away looked pretty healthy. Troy may have been a bit thinner, but not dramatically.

Nana got out out of the den and so did the rest. She stretched exaggeratedly and breathed in the fresh, chilly air. It was nice. Really nice.

Nana met with Kibwe and Aspen soon after the start of the season. They both looked thin, but spirited. Chrono and a healer came over to check on them.

"We are here to confirm the health of the two females that reside here," stated the healer.

Nana allowed it and got a quick check up. He did the same for her sister. "Healthy." He gave them both a bill of clean health an went on his way.

Amil and Dakotah sighed in relief. The rest that were with her did not. They knew she was healthy and did not require a healer to tell them that.

It was roughly a month later that a group of beasts entered the village territory. Nana heard it through their calls and roars. Naturally, her curiosity was piqued. They weren't calls of battle, so it wouldn't hurt to take a look. Nana was set to go to the village when a scent traveling downwind tickled her nose.

A broad grin stretched across her face before she could help it. She knew that scent and at least one of the others. Nana soon heard the pounding of feet. Troy placed himself between the incoming beasts and her, but he looked pretty relaxed about it.

Zen smiled lightly and waited. He was mostly in charge of caring for the four fox cubs alongside Dakotah and Paulo, so he was glad the burden will soon be relieved from him.

When Kaito appeared out of the trees, Nana couldn't stop herself from waving and calling out. When her father got a little closer, Nana could clearly make out the female that rode on his back.

Elizabeth slid from Kaito's back and attempted to run over on shaky legs. Nana did the rest for her and wrapped her in a hug. "Long time no see," Nana said.

Elizabeth chuckled. "Way too long. It felt way too long." Elizabeth let go and wiped away her tears. She craned her head around, her eyes flickering and scanning everything behind Nana.

Dakotah opened the door of the den and allowed the four cubs to run out. They were no longer small, but Elizabeth knew they were hers. She ran over and hugged her big children. "You grew so much," Elizabeth sobbed. She wasn't the most attached to her furry cubs before, but being separated for so long hurt her in a way that was hard to describe. She was so glad to be back.

The four cubs recognized the scent of their mother and squirmed around wildly. Their excitement could not be contained.

The warm and sappy reunion made Nana's heart a little mushy. She went and gave her father a hug, surprising him. He didn't have arms to return it, but he nudged her affectionately.

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