16. Festival

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The season of life ended and the festival concluded it. Nana wore her best light clothes and even added some simple jewelry to her wardrobe. She gifted two nice clothing sets that matched her own to Zen and Amil.

Amil was thrilled to have couples outfits and wore it with pride. Zen looked at the cloth funny before determining it to be unrigged. Nana huffed. She only pranked him once for the heck of it and now he had to assess everything like that. Once he made sure it was safe to wear, Zen looked happy about it.

Seeing her opportunity, Nana grinned evilly. Zen and Amil gulped. They figured that couldn't be a good thing.

Nana proceeded to do their hair. Since Amil's was short, there wasn't a lot she could do. Using some of her passable conditioners to weigh the strands down, Nana sculpted his hair into place. Stepping back, she eyed her work. Amil blushed from the attention and didn't dare move. Amil's current hair and clothes gave him a much cleaner more sophisticated look.

Since it was getting warmer out, Nana opted for robes that had shorter sleeves. The colors for the top were all white while the skirt parts were black. Nana embroidered different colored emblems on each top. Zen and her had foxes. Hers was pink, whereas, his was purple. Amil had a blue snow leopard that was as close to his shade of eye color as Nana could get.

They both seemed to have fixated their gazes on her customizations. Nana rubbed her nose feeling a little proud at how far her skills had come. But now wasn't the time to appreciate her handiwork, she still had a head of hair to tame.

Zen blinked as a sense of foreboding overcame him. His eyes met Nana's and he knew he was in trouble when she smirked wide at him. It couldn't be as bad as he thought, right? Amil's turned out well, so his should be fine...

Nana prepared her comb like a weapon as she approached Zen's messy locks. He had a natural bedhead that Nana was about to conquer. She knew the feat would not be an easy one... Who was she kidding? His hair brushed through and parted like water. Her comb never met any resistance. Nana was jealous, but she would not show it.

She continued to work Zen's armpit length hair into a nice updo. She used one of her own hair pins to keep his hair in place since Zen never bought or made one for himself. It was okay since this hairpin was going to be his anyway. It was one of her better works. She had carved lilies into the wood and painted them with purple paint that was close to Zen's eye color. She had to buy more expensive pigments for this and mix them carefully. She was very satisfied with the result.

Nana admired her work with a huge smile on her face. Zen looked beautiful. She gave him a more feminine look, but Nana was certain this was the way to go. It suited him too well.

"You two look great!" Nana gushed. Amil grinned wide while Zen turned away with a blush on his face. "What's wrong, Zen?" Nana teased. She was in a great mood.

Zen did not answer at first and forcefully turned her head away from him. "Your turn," he threatened. Nana couldn't take it seriously since she knew he was still flushing pink.

Zen proceeded to skillfully do Nana's hair. He finished much faster than Nana expected. Her mid-back length hair was pinned into a nice updo with two sliver coated hair pins. She admired her hair in the hand mirror that came with Zen's dowry. The quality of the mirror wasn't as great as earth mirrors, but Nana could still tell she looked really good.

"Thanks Zen," Nana said sincerely.

Zen, who had only just recovered, felt bashful again. Amil's great mood dampened slightly. He wished he was good at that kind of thing too.

"Alright you two, it's time to get out there and sell," Nana proclaimed energetically. The thoughts of money, new beasts, and potential new family members was motivating Nana a lot. There was no way her old family would recognize her now. They always used to call her 'lazy bones.' Nana would like to earn the title back one day, but today wasn't that day.

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