12. Court

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The night came to a close and Zen appealed to his parents. A hearing would be held in two days time. Zen's father maintained an unreadable expression during the report. His mother's frown of disappointment was evident, though not especially dramatic.

"Akito," the fox queen called in a warning tone as she summoned her son.

"Yes, Your Majesty?" Akito said innocently. His facade had a negative effect on the queen.

"Do not play your games with me cub. Did you influence a noble female?" She pointedly asked.

Akito did not outwardly frown at being called a cub, but he didn't find it pleasant to hear. He had not been a cub for two decades. "Yes, Your Majesty," Akito agreed quickly regardless. While he did feel the tiniest spark of irritation, it was dull and fleeting.

The fox queen's eyes hardened. While she understood that sometimes such a thing may be necessary, she also knew that now wasn't one of those times. She must have pampered her son too much. The queen was willing to turn her eyes away for most things, but not this.

From what Zen has told her, he didn't sway the female, he bent her will. The only time such an action will not be punished is if the female posed immediate physical harm to another that could result in the death of one or both of them. Only then was it acceptable to force them with magic.

"And do tell me why," the queen's voice was laced with threat and power. No one outside of the royals knew that the fox queen had power. It was only two marks, but that was still an achievement for any female.

The queen's golden hair nearly shined as she questioned her cub. Her equally light eyes sparked with intensity. Only the fox queen, an acting priestess for the goddess, had traits that represented the sun. Within the fox clan anyway.

"For Zen," Akito supplied his answer.

The fox queen's power flickered for a moment. She had a soft spot for her cubs and Akito knew it. Her eyes narrowed as she assessed her most promising cub. She did not wish to punish him harshly, but it was necessary.

"You know that isn't enough. If she was incompatible with Zen, he would simply break the bond and leave. Your reason does not justify your actions," she said harshly. Akito did not protest her words.

"The wronged female will come to the castle and you will apologize to her," the queen passed her punishment. "I will ask the female how she wants you punished. So long as her response is not unreasonable, I will grant it. Once the hearing is over, you will leave the city for a year's time to reflect on your action."

Akito accepted without a fight. He was prepared for as much. And quite frankly, he did not care. An apology was easy and a year was nothing compared to his lifespan. At four marks with strong magic, there was little that could harm him outside of the city. If he was careful that is. And he would be.

They were prepared to be dismissed, but only Zen was allowed to go. "Zen, you are dismissed. Akito, you stay," she ordered. Zen stepped out and Akito remained.

"Mother?" Akito asked curiously. He sensed the shift in her bearing and changed the way he called her in response.

"You will tell me in detail about what occurred," the fox queen said softly. She wouldn't let the information influence her decision, but she did want to know Akito's findings.

Akito did as he was told before he was sent out. The fox queen thought to herself about the replies the female gave. Even though she acted to be above most things, she was easily bored. She never left the inner sanctum, so any news, especially of her cubs, was great for keeping her mind occupied.

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