21. Comfort

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Waking up to an extra family member in the den was a new, but not unpleasant experience. Zen, being the best speaker of Nana's mates, instructed their newest member and helped teach him about caring for Nana and the cubs.

It only took one day for both Amil and Zen to form deep worries about the new male. He was an earnest and enthusiastic learner, but there was a problem; he was terrible at learning. It took them repeating things multiple times for simple things to sink in.

By the time evening rolled around, much kitchenware had been sacrificed to the paws of the clumsy bear, and several things were misplaced. As frustrating as it was to the two males, Dakotah was completely oblivious to his failures unless they were brought up directly to his face.

Nana did not mind it at all. He only messed up on small, unimportant things. He was even apologetic and sincere about correcting his mistakes when they were pointed out to him.

The action that won him the most brownie points in Nana's book, was how he handled her children. The big bear of a beastman, who was probably close to 7 foot tall and over 250 pounds, held and interacted with her cubs in such a gentle and expert manner that Nana had to do a double take. He was a natural with them and even seemed to like them.

Not all males could treat cubs that weren't their own blood like that. Nana gave herself a good pat on the back for her choice. He may have been lacking in some areas, but he was strong in others. He simply would have a different role in the family and there was nothing wrong with that.

Nana watched him entertain her young children while she lounged against Zen. The break was nice... Nana watched the boys investigate their newest family member when Dakotah's power marks caught her eye. A question popped into her head. "Hey, Kotah?" She caught his attention immediately. "How old are you?" That information wouldn't change anything. She was only curious.

Dakotah stopped to think about that. He used his fingers as he started counting seriously. Zen's lip twitched and he looked at the ceiling. Nana had a feeling he just gave up on the male, but she did not ask.

"Twenty-seven years this season of frost," Dakotah proudly proclaimed.

Nana didn't ask the month since it wasn't important exactly. Birthdays were not celebrated here. She didn't feel the need to start a new custom. Maybe she'd feel like it one day, but now wasn't that day.

Amil went out to hunt while Nana remained inside and mostly inert. They hadn't been opening shop since she gave birth, but Nana wasn't stressing about it. They sold a lot during the festival and Amil dutifully took care of the stall until she gave birth. It wasn't like she had to be open all the time. There was no regulation in the market. It was basically an 'at will' kind of thing. So long as one paid the start up fee, that is.

Thinking of her crafts and such, Nana decided to pull out her instruments. The cubs had been very inconsistent and needy, so she didn't get much of a chance to practice. There would definitely be more opportunities once her children got older.

Naturally, Nana made the instruments, and those present, cry with her terrible skills. Zen elected himself teacher for the stringed instruments to end the torture sooner. Zen, apparently, did not like the flutes enough to teach it. It could be Nana's terrible performance wrecking it for him, but she was guessing.

Amil came back that evening with his hunt and accepted Dakotah's presence in their den without agitation. The four of them cooked their first meal together as a group. Nana's participation in cooking did not throw Dakotah off much. It only took one sentence of explanation for him to agree. He had seen her contribute over the course of the the last month, so it didn't come as a shocker to him.

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