22. Overachievers

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Nana managed to complete her bond with Karan the following day. As soon as the fact that he was welcomed into her family set in, he became very eager to seal the deal. Although Nana couldn't work up the courage to approach him, Karan did not suffer from the same impediment.

Nana was whisked off to the bedroom once Karan was given a small okay. Nana had to do nothing. Which was a good thing for her.

Waking up wrapped in the arms of yet another man would soon become a natural occurrence... or at least a less surprising experience. Nana tried to convince herself of that anyway. Her cubs mewled telling her that she missed their feeding.

Nana tried and failed to extract herself from Karan and found that her situation was more... delicate than she initially anticipated.

"Nana," Karan hissed in her ears making her heartbeat dance.

"G-good morning," Nana stuttered. "I need to feed the cubs."

"Mmm." Karan hesitated before letting her go. His bond mark on Nana caught his eye. A cobra in exact likeness to his beast form curled around her left arm and shoulder glaring with silent intimidation. His mark was was not on her hands or feet, and those were the only places Karan was scared to see it.

Nana pulled the covers with her and knocked into a waking Amil. Before she could fall backwards, Amil caught and held her up. Zen and Dakotah were not in the bedroom. Amil wrapped his arms around Nana's back causing her heart rate to remain elevated. She had no problems with cuddles so long as she was clothed first. And clothed she was not.

Amil nipped at her neck startling her into raising her voice. "Amil!" He let her go and bounded off looking satisfied. Nana tried to give him a quick, lighthearted slap, but he was long gone. Karan watched them, looking way less uptight than before.

"Do you hurt?" he asked Nana as she secured a blanket around her and her cubs.

The question reminded her very much of what they did last night and her face donned a strong red hue. Nana coughed out a response. "No. I feel okay." She meant it to. If fact, she felt better than that. While she wouldn't call Karan gentle, he wasn't too rough either. He was only aggressively forward towards her, not physically domineering.

Nana steered her thoughts away from that route sharply. "I'm going to feed the cubs," she announced.

"Okay," he said but didn't move an inch. Nana stared, and Karan stared back. Nana sighed heavily. After tying the blanket around her she let the cubs feed. Feeling nervous under the curious gaze of her newest mate, Nana broke down. "Can you please not stare?"

Karan blinked and looked away. It wasn't perfect, but it'll do.

Once she finished up with her seemingly always hungry children, Nana kicked Karan out so she could dress. She caught her own bond mark just below his left collar bone. He was the first her mates not have the mark covering the front or the back of the heart. It did not bother Nana since his own bond mark on her was farther from her heart than hers was on him. She was only making a curious observation.

Karan caught her staring and stopped mid-slither in the doorway. Nana waved him off and got dressed when he left her alone.

Nana carried her chubby babies out with her and sat down on the cushions that made up their sitting space. Now that they had more family members, home improvements would be possible. Couches and furniture weren't exactly commonly sold items in the market.

She was getting ahead of herself. They needed to reorganize her family again. Nana called everyone in to have a family discussion.

They spoke about more practical things and needs mostly, but other topics also came up. Karan and Amil were to be the primary hunters of the family. Zen and Dakotah's roles stayed mostly the same. Zen took it upon himself to spearhead home improvements. Considering how he volunteered for it, Nana suspected that he had been wanting to do that for a while.

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