10. Play Nice

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The stall she and Amil ran was not doing as well as before, but it was enough to generate income. Since less people were buying, Nana focused more on quality than quantity. She also added her bamboo crafts into the mix. Nana was planning to make soap in the future too.

Soap already existed, but there were not many to choose from. Soap was also used for both the body and hair. While there were no chemicals that were damaging in the products like those on earth were, Nana figured hair care here could use some improvements.

There did exist an oil that some females will use on their precious locks, but it was hardly a conditioner. Nana could add that to her potential list of future experiments. Though she made it sound easy, she was going to have to find a willing craftsmen to teach her how to make basic soap. That may not sound difficult, but beastmen, especially those of this city, were greedy hoarders of knowledge. She had a chance because of her gender and looks, but it may not be enough.

Nana sure did have some grand plans.

While Nana was working on securing her ideal future, Kaito learned of Nana's next closest acquaintance. He had sat her down in a very serious manner and proceeded to lecture her thoroughly. Nana had never sweated so profusely in her life.

Kaito did not reprimand her for bad behavior. Instead, he told her what he knew of royal politics and Zen's position among them. It was considered important knowledge that could save Nana from offending her future mate's family.

Nana had choked on that part. Kaito was assuming a lot. Okay, maybe it wasn't as much as a reach as Nana wanted to make it out to be. Friends were not a thing here. In addition, there was no such thing as innocent interest when it came to beastmen on the cusp of adulthood. At the very least, Kaito was convinced of this.

Thanks to his serious attitude on the matter, Nana felt inclined to believe him. It wasn't like the thought never crossed her mind. She just never let it stick. At least Amil was older than her by enough that Nana could see him as an adult. Zen was close, but not yet there.

He would be soon though. She would be too. And Nana did need more males. Males who were strong or had a lot of potential... Zen did fit the bill almost perfectly. Him being a literal prince may have complicated the idea if she wasn't of noble blood. Since she was, no one would kick up a dramatic fuss about their status's being too different. There were no excuses to be found outside of her secret aversion to royals. Even Kaito acknowledged the potential.

While they were on the topic, he had carefully asked Nana about Zen's scar. It was more of a probing to find out if Nana harbored any negative feelings towards Zen. While she had not come to see the scar itself as attractive, Nana didn't think it took away from his appearance entirely. Foxes were beautiful. Nana had never seen an ugly or average one, Zen included.

Kaito was worried that Nana may pity Zen. Since Zen was a royal, he could cut the bond as easily as she could. That concerned Kaito. If that happened, Nana could be shunned from the inner sanctum. It would depend on how much influence Zen had, but it was likely.

Kaito's fears were not shared by Nana. If anything, Nana was glad he had that ability. It felt fair and proper. Actually, the more Nana thought about that, the better she felt. There was something she had worried, ever so slightly, about. What if she failed to make a happy family? What if one or more of her mates became dissatisfied with her?

Nana was confident she could give a husband the love and respect one would expect from a wife. But that was a singular husband. Nana had to split up her affections and share them with all of her future males. She didn't have an unshakable faith that she could do that. Nana would rather have the option available for them just in case.

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