49. More Work

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Nana sank to the ground where she was. "You've got to be kidding me." She groaned and tried to breathe.

Karan hissed at the uncouth male for upsetting Nana, but Troy did not pay him much attention. "What should I do with them? Didn't think you'd want me to leave them behind."

"Bring them here," Nana ordered and Troy obeyed.

She inspected the cubs closely and found one unresponsive. She sucked in a breath of air and poked the child. It was fine, right? He had to be. The main character's children can't get hurt. The readers would throw a fit. Please, let that be the case.

The little body moved slightly before stilling. "Kon, now." Nobody was going to disobey Nana when she used that kind of tone. Karan moved like lightning and got what she wanted.

Karan was about to say something, but Troy shook his head. Troy knew that Nana would not be dissuaded. It didn't matter if they thought that using a life kon on another's cub was not worth it because Nana clearly thought differently. Troy would get her more if she needed it. He was not going to antagonize his mate over it. He knew how to pick his battles.

Since she had her power mark, Nana should be able to activate the kon herself. Unfortunately, she was too new to the idea of circulating energy and had to leave it to Karan.

The boy recovered and started whining like the other three. One crises averted, it was time to face another. They were hungry and Nana had no way to feed them. If Elizabeth didn't miraculously show up soon, Nana was going to have to beg some lactating females for milk.

An hour passed, then two. Amil woke up groggy, but he was up. Dakotah still slept and the babies were still crying.

"Of course the main character would be kidnapped. It's practically a rule," Nana muttered. "God, this is why she needed more mates." Nana's stress was peaking. She couldn't afford to wait too long. She got up to leave with the babies in her arms. "We're going."

Karan took her to the village center and called to whoever would listen. Her reputation may be ruined after this, but Nana just didn't care. "I have young cubs that need milk. If there are any females willing to help them, I will compensate."

No females were out and about after what just went down, but many males did hear her. She instructed any who would listen to return to their females and ask. Nana fidgeted nervously as she waited. The sun climbed higher and higher until finally, someone came back to her.

"My female is willing in exchange for prey and fur," he said looking depressed.

His scent told Nana he was a rabbit as much as his ears did. But that was neither here nor there. "Done. Does she have enough to take them now?" Nana asked.

The male nodded. "You can follow me."

Nana and Karan did. Once they were standing in front of the stranger's den, she handed the cubs over. She almost couldn't make herself, but Karan and the rabbit male's stares weighed heavy on her. They wouldn't harm them and the cubs needed milk. After prying her fingers off the basket handle, she passed them along.

Nana listened with her sharpened hearing as sounds of suckling began and ended before beginning again. Once the babies were done, they were brought back out. Nana heaved a sigh of relief before discussing payment as well as future feedings with the male.

When Nana got back home, she sat everyone down to talk. Nana was planning to watch and care for her siblings until Elizabeth came back... And she better come back. Nana didn't think for a hot second that the woman was going to die. Main character's can't die. Not unless the book was a tragedy, and the one Nana read was not tagged as one.

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