20: Baby Caribou's And The Bloody Alligator

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"Ooh," I said in awe towards Niall, "How many booths' do you think they have?"

The V-Festival was massive! The boys were here with their girls while me and Niall kept walking casually, just taking a stroll. Which right away means any time theres a food tent, we have to go in. The smell of the grease was killing me, I felt as if I was getting all the calories just being in the same place as all this stupid food! 

"Around a good fifty I'd say," said Niall.

I wish we could be walking around casually while hand in hand like Liam and Danielle, or Louis and Eleanor, but no.

Me and Niall couldn't do that. Lying about being able to come with him was a huge lie enough, saying I can go public with our relationship is going too far.

"And how many of those booths are for food?" I questioned his knowledge.

"forty-one," he responded confidently, "Unless you count that really tiny one with nothing but green beans, but I don't. Green beans don't deserve to be called food. That is an honor it doesnt deserve."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing and with a wide smile.

 I sighed and played with my finger while reviewing Niall's quirks.

"Only you would memorize that," I muttered.

I fought the crying urge to hold his hand. Instead I shoved my hands in my skirt pocket.

"What time does Little Mix go on?" I asked.

I felt bad about not actually caring,I loved Perri and the girls but we weren't exactly close, I just wanted to keep talking with Niall.

"About an hour," he informed. We kept walking and I noticed we were walking awfully close to where the paparazzi were bombarding Cher Lloyd.

I'd rather they attack her and her fiance than me and Niall, but I knew if we got any closer they would switch routes.

I grabbed Niall's hand out of instinct and started to pull him back with me to the performers.

"Hey we should go wish the girls good luck!" I stalled and pulled him. He was no match though. Not only was he much too tall for me, but also much too heavy for me to pull easily.

“They don’t go on until an hour though,” said Niall while pulling forwards.

“Well if you keep fighting me on this it’s going to be past the hour when we get there!” I countered cheekily.

“Why don’t you just want to go here!” he said. 

“there is no here we’re just walking around until either of us decides to actually pick a destination!” I complained while laughing a bit.

He kept tugging me forwards and I tugged at his arm backwards.

We were both trying to hold our ground and force the other to go in the other direction but it seemed to catch some attention.

We started shouting and grunting... Niall’s grunting obviously got the paps attention since it loud as fucking hell!

Which made them drop Cher like a hot potato. She let out a breath of relief, and I held in a new one.

Niall immediately rolled his eyes at them and took my hand and led me to the other direction; completely forgetting the fact that we were just ‘arguing.’

“Where are we going?” I finally asked.

“To the performers location...” he muttered while letting go of my hand. It felt bare now.

Finding Me (Sequel to Ava,The World, and Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now