41: Mitchell

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I sat in the plane completely unaware of where we were going. I tried to ask the lady but she just sorta laughed.

As if she was asking herself 'what dumbass would get on a plan not knowing where the fuck she was going? Bitch needs to swerve I gotta serve some rich ass niggas some peanuts!'

So I let it be and sat in silence waiting for Niall to get back from the restroom.

I saw him walk the aisle to sit back down and I pretended to still be asleep. I looked out the window once he was back to reading a newspaper.

The clouds were making the plan shake slightly and I could hear a hyperventilating girl behind me.

Must be a first time.

I was never a nervous flyer. I just kinda saw it as a second sleep opportunity. I have never been on a plane where I didn't take a nap during it all.

Christmas was next week. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I had Nialls gift back in London.

I got him two tickets to a JLS concert. I had no idea what he was getting me; I was never someone who made it easy for gifts. I always ended up finding a flaw and making myself not liking it enough as I once did.

Niall figured that out and ended up taking me to trips instead.

That was always the loophole.

I couldn't make myself hate a trip because it always ended. Those were the types of gifts to get me. The ones that end soon so that I can appreciate it more. This was I'm left with the pictures and memories. I could never bring myself to hate that.

Niall knew that.

"You remember the last time we went on a trip for Christmas?" Asked Niall.

I shifted myself to look at him. He was still reading but glimpsed up at me to answer.

"Like two years ago, no?" I asked. I wasn't sure. I spent Christmas in Tennessee this past year with Allison. The year before that I went with Niall to Mullinger. I brought Allison with me there because I didn’t want her to be alone.

"Was it?" He was asked. "Seems so long ago."

"It was." I fiddled with my finger knotting them in the strangest of ways.

"We went to,Mullingar with Allison." He noted.

"Yeah," I said.

We weren’t fighting. We were broken up either.

We just kind of... were.


We were almost landing when I woke up. Only about another thirty minutes and I would finally know where the fuck I was going.

I had woken up to Niall on my shoulder and knowing him moving even the slightest with the plane moving so much, It would wake him up in a heart beat.

The plan moved through a cloudy area causing me to grip the arm rest thingy even tighter.

Planes? No problem.

Shit starting to shake the plane as if it was a fucking movie prop? Hell to the fucking no. I don’t deal with that shit.

“Are we landing?” Asked Niall groggily. He lifted his head quickly, but his brain couldn’t process it fast enough.

"Almost," I said a bit blankly.

With that Niall went back to sleep.


"What are we doing here?" I asked.

Finding Me (Sequel to Ava,The World, and Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now