24: Best Be Going Then

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"Are you two back together?" shouted one woman through the glass barrier. The camera behind her was blazing a white light onto us even though the sun was perfectly in bloom!

Niall and I were only in a small coffee shop after going shopping. It was only about two hours after we went out and everything was so crazy.

Its like nothing I've ever seen! Before, it was paparazzi that kept at least a tiny distance. Sure some annoying pricks would jump in front of me for no reason, but after awhile you.learned how to handle it.

This was different. Out of anyones element!

Paparazzi were everywhere screaming, shouting, asking questions! It was overwhelming.

Niall and I were trapped inside with no exit!

We tried leaving through the back, but they were there too. We called Paul, Shereya (the head of my security team) and any other possible help but they couldn't get through! They were still outside, hoping to be of some help but nothing was happening. Not only that but the customers were trapped also, and thats simply just not fair!

"What do we do?" I asked Niall again for what seemed to be the hundredth time. The windows were slightly tinted but the flash of the camera blew right through it like damned bullet.

"Wait 'em out," Niall said tiredly. It was only a day out together, not even a full one, and were already having to deal with the annoying ordeal of it all.

Its been only two hours. My phone started blowing up so quickly, I had to shut it off before it had a meltdown along with me!

"Can I get small mocha latte?" I asked the waitress as she came to pick up the plate that once held a sandwich.

"You mean a venti?" she asked me annoyed. Probably because we brought this madness into her work area."Uh..." I tried to establish the logic behind her question, but I couldn't find it.

So I just nodded my head and agreed.

"Yeah," I said kindly. Once she left with my second order I tried to fill the tense air.

"I thought I only had to deal with Venti and shit like that at Starbucks," I teased towards Niall.

I saw the corners of his lips lift up and a small sighing sound come out from his voice box.

A sure fire sign from Niall that I learned means he found it funny, but not stomach-hold worthy.

I looked out the window and sighed.

This is probably how its going to be for the rest of the day.

The paps have officially ruined my day.

It will always faze me how often they manage to do do that with a stupid camera.

"You know sometimes I wonder what made us meet..." Niall said after a long silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, "I thought it was obvious; I was being a crazy freak, yelling at officers; I'm slightly positive I could have been arrested for verbally assaulting an officer by the way-"

I heard his laugh which made me laugh abd slightly lifted my spirits.

"-You were curious," I said through a fit of laughter, "And you decided to come watch me."

He was smiling but I was smiling wider.

"Sneaked a peak at the freak remember?" I told him. Those were one of the first words we had with each other. I saw something is his eyes; reminiscing on our our first encounters.

Finding Me (Sequel to Ava,The World, and Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now