Chapter 17: Persistence

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A robot with one eye and a large body had brought them into a scrapyard through a vehicle improvised from random pieces of scrap, as if it was a vehicle you'd see in a post-apocalyptic world.

Jessie referred to the robot as 'Nani' so Jade assumed that the robot's name was as told.

Jessie lead Jade through the scrapyard. There were pieces of robots, cars, planes(and spaceships?), cranes, and more.

"So they were telling the truth, this place is packed with parts for machines!" Jessie nodded in pride, "Uh-huh, people always come here for parts. And I mean everyone!"

They reached a large caravan looking place that had extensions everywhere. Jessie pointed at the caravan, "My mom's in there. Go ahead."

Jade went up to the Caravan door and knocked lightly. "Hello? Anyone home?"

A bunch of noises were heard from inside. Tools fell to the ground and rolling was heard.

The door slammed open and a great brawny woman with a bun of red hair stood in the doorway. Oil was splattered across the woman and she was soaked in perspiration. "What is it? What do you want?" She asked in a rough voice.

"Greetings, Ms Pam. I was wondering if I could...'borrow' some parts for...projects." Jade attempted. Pam frowned, shook her head and replied, "Sorry buddy, but I salvage things at a price. Now off you go!"

Pam was about to shut the door when Jade jammed his hand in the way, "Wait! I need your help. If you could just listen to me, I'll make sure it's worth your time!" The scientist persuaded.

Pam sighed and rolled her eyes before letting him in. "Don't touch...anything." Pam clambered back on a creeper and went under a vehicle.

"So you see...I'm a scientist. As you can tell from my lab coat." Jade gestured to himself. Pam made a subtle 'uh-huh' but continued staying focused on her work.

"And...I need to borrow parts for a very important machine I'm making. It's a...gateway to another place. A teleporter if you will."

Pam unrolled herself out from beneath and stood up, "Look, if you're just gon'a cm'ere and beg for parts, well, usable parts, it's not gonna happen."


"Now I'm a busy woman, and your tireless requests are annoying me. Leave my workshop at once before I squeeze your eyes out of your pathetic head."

Jade sighed, "I ain't gonna do that."

Pam raised an eyebrow, in amusement yet in interest.

"Not without my resources at least." Jade murmured as he stood up. He looked Pam in the eyes and relaxed them doubtfully.

"Are you challenging me buddy?" Pam threatened as she cracked her knuckles.

"No." Jade rubbed his cranium as he breathed a deep breath.

Pam advanced towards the shorter figure. She towered over him and glared at him.

"My tools, ain't for fools like you."

Jade looked up confidently, "And I, am a multiverse traveler." Jade cringed in his head—that came out more dumber than he thought.

Pam widened her eyes as she backed off one step, "You what?" Pam asked.

"I am a scientist who developed multiverse travel in my universe. Unfortunately, the stupid machine was overloaded by shards that are used as a power source."

"You can't expect me to believe you." Pam denied.

Jade took a seat and rummaged his bag.

"This, is the shard." He showed the canister with hovering blue crystals that surrounded each other and were like repelling magnets.

"The shard was shattered when I was transported here."

Pam walked over to the shards and examined them, "I've never seen any'in like it!"

Jade kept the shards and closed his eyes, "Now that you have some belief in my work, would I kindly ask for a start to my research on getting back home?"

Pam placed her hands on a workbench and thought awhile. "What's your name, Doctor?"

"Dr. Jade Mechimpian. I await your response."

Pam smiled, "Well then, pal. I shall aid you in this situation. But I won't give everything for free. I'll start you off, but that's all. Pay me for the parts and I'll try to find them scraps for the necessary components. Blueprints are needed of course."

Jade smirked, "Then we are partners then."
He took out his clipboard and took out a holographic paper. He threw the piece of metal to Pam, who caught it and examined the large display of the blueprints.

"Your work speaks like a true engineer. I'll get your first parts. Bring home these spares. I'll start construction on the portal."

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