Chapter 9: Heading

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Jade was taking down notes on a notepad he found in his bag. He rolled his pen in his fingers as he looked upwards and pondered. He pointed his pen at Gene, "You said something along the lines of working with others to help me get back home? I'd like to hear about that." Jade questioned.

Gene nodded, "Yes...of course. I-" he was cut off by Sandy, "Can you introduce yourself first? We have yet to know your name."

Jade raised a brow, "My name huh? Well then..."
A sword appeared behind his back as his eyes went dark, "My name is Head Researcher. Jade Mechimpian(mec-kim-pian). And I'm not stuck here, it was planned for me to gather data here anyways."

Tara rolled her eye, "Would you quit with the conspicuous introduction?"

Jade crossed his arms and sulked from the side, "I'm insulted, yet 'bout you? Gene? Tara? Sandy?"

Gene introduced themselves and talked about the other brawlers across the map.

"We are the guardians of the Bazaar. There are many others." Gene explained.

Jade nodded, "Alright then. Now, the others?"

Gene nodded, "Yes, there are brawlers who can help you construct a portal strong enough to return you home."

Gene extended his fist, counting the people he listed, "Pam Junker, a mechanic with many spare parts for you to use for the portal. It comes with a hefty price though. Just pray for generosity. The biologists Rosa and Bea. They offer tech parts that may be of use for containing the shards safely."

Jade remembered the names of the brawlers and made a mental note on their jobs.

Sandy chirped in, "Oh yeah, there's also loads of other brawlers that may have the pieces of the gem that you are after."

"Shard." Jade corrected.

"You would have to earn coins and gems to purchase equipment from different places. Byron is a salesman with a green coat, he sells potions and poisons. Barley and Bull are worthy to check out for food. And the rest are what Gene mentioned." Tara advised. "And don't steal."

Sandy quickly held his hand up for attention, "Oh by the way, Jade, you have to register to be a brawler before any of the brawlers would talk with you. We are not supposed to let in secrets to strangers, but as generosity, we trust you to keep the info well." A hopeful tone coming from the boy.

Jade was taken aback, " want me to join you guys? No way!" Jade shook his head vigorously, "I ain't joining no faction!"

Tara scowled, "Jade, cooperation with you has been at its peak. If we were to help you, you would have to help us back. And I'm sure you aren't siding with Starrpark."

"Make your decision." Gene echoed.

Jade furrowed his brow, but eventually sighed and agreed, "Fine. Where do I go?"

Gene smiled as he gestured to Sandy, "I'm glad you chose to help us. Wise choice nonetheless."

Sandy handed a map of 'Brawltopia' to Jade, "Brawltopia?" Jade asked.

"That's our resistance territory name." Sandy answered.

Gene held his lamp in his palm as it floated back to his side, "You should take your leave soon. The night is a dangerous place." Gene looked around, "Agents could be anywhere."

He laughed as he floated back to his carpet. He talked in his weird laughing language again as the other two mystics stood up.

"Well met, traveler. Lala lay byla. May you have safe travels." Gene said as a bid farewell.

Jade smiled, determined, "You too. I thank you for your help. Be reassured that we will meet again. But now, I will leave and find the city!" Jade had stepped backwards out of the tent as a sword was summoned at his feet.

Tara stayed ominous from the side as Sandy waved goodbye sloppily, before his eyes shut halfway and he went away.

Jade glided on his sword as he flew out of the Bazaar and headed south.

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