Unit IV : Horribility .

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I hate myself for who I am, it's extremely painful knowing who I am, I'm slowly becoming who I wish I never was when I were younger. Please someone kill me, it's too much for me. I'm just a kid and I lost my virginity, life is going to fuck me to death, I said it because none of you pussies will. And that's why I need to say It, if I don't no one will, just because they're having good lives, fuck them so much, fuck everyone in fact. I'm just an ungrateful child, who does nothing in his free time apart from playing. I'm a messed up person, I'm fucking ugly, fat as fuck, why do you want anyone to give a shit about me. Then, in that case fuck them all, I wish I didn't give a flying fuck but no after all my failed suicide attempt. How? Well I can't tell you everything it's going to take hours to write, just so you know, fuck them all again, life is a bitch and you goddam know it... This is a feeling similar to guilt, but I'm writing this down for absolutely no reason, I am a fucking miserable person, and not going to lie, just be honest with me. Seriously, this caused my suicidal intentions to grown far more than before, and the thought of writing about it makes me feel like less of a piece of shit. My so-called friends don't hate me, they don't exist, and really, life is getting boring as hell, and I can't do this fucking no more, yes you heard me. But I have to stay alive for one sake, and one sake only, I can't kill myself, every time I try I end up failing and almost getting caught. You know what, fuck this life fuck all of you this won't be the first time I'll say this but still fuck everyone, and matter of facts, even though I'm the worst human being I existence, I've lost the will to live...

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