Unit XXVIII : Righteous Agony .

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Some might say love is beautiful, but it's the second world wide cause of mental self-destruction, second only to the mind, and it destroys you, but you can't back out, it's part of you, and you can't deny it.

"I wrote her a letter, I might never send" A nice quote that has deep meaning, but seriously, don't you ever fear, being abandoned ?

"She pointed at the moon but I was looking at her hand" Another interesting saying, If I learned one thing, it's that love is the first stage of agony.

I know the arrangement of this unit is very unfairly distributed, that's because I don't think I know what love is and it scares me.

I realized, I'm half delusional, I've lost hope, yet why am I still trying?

I never really talked about my delusions, and my fantasies, but in one word, I'd consider myself to be wholesome.

Some might contradict what I just said, only case starter, my unclean mind, but I'm a lot different on the inside, not because. For instance, I'd rather have a deeply romantic relationship than a purely sexual one.

I hurt myself willingly, because I think I deserve it, and I regret a lot of choices I did in life, I wish I've said different things in this course.

Unless you haven't already figured it out, this is a unit about love, and not my love towards other, or love towards me, but just love in general.

But what is love? You might say it's the attraction between two individuals, but sometimes it can go one way only, and if you were right, than the only attractions people have between each other without any hidden intentions is purely sexual, so that concludes that love doesn't exist? I don't know, you'll get different answers from different people.

This isn't my domain, anyways.

I wish I accepted what was given to me.

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