Unit XII : Unconventional Consternation .

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I might say I don't thrive off of peoples validations, and its true. But I still cower to my comfort zone as soon as it's someone who I care for, I'm scared. I'm terrified of being judged by the ones I care for, it scares me. If they now see me as a mentally ill kid, and I may be not scared to be judged by strangers anymore, but they, the people I care for, and that care for me, well they...

I am scared of their judgement.

I feel so weak, and incapable in this situation, for instance, what if my dad read my suicidal and negative Units? I would be humiliated, as its understandable that everyone is vulnerable sometimes, and I was vulnerable more than once, but again like I said, I cannot show this weakness to anyone but me, I had to get off some of the pressure off my back so, you guessed it...

I wrote about killing myself, how predictable, I just gave up as soon as things got complicated, I feel like a coward, like I just ran away from reality, and now I realize that escape is but a mere illusion, so I decided to accept the truth as it is. I decided to face the real world, I decided to face reality face to face.

Perhaps I should not be scared, perhaps I was just lost in a roller coaster of emotions, I should forgive myself, as I finally understand that there is not place in my heart for hate or indignation.

Big risk, big reward or eternal resentment towards oneself, I look for stability and balance and when I found it, I stayed there, instead of moving on. I stayed there cowering, but now finally and again, I will face reality or perhaps this is just another lie I lie to myself not knowing how far down I am in this storm...

Delusion is the clouds that keep me away from the sun and resentment and indignity is the thunder, sadness is the rain and I am but a mere peasant, a standby a watcher, perhaps waiting for the sky to clear up was the best option after all, and then the burning sun, reality.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...

Or crippled.

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