Unit XL : Terminal Sub-Transit State .

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Not before a couple Units prior, my music taste was very different from what it is now, we're at Unit XL, which is roman for 40, we have achieved 40 separate writing Units, that's great, but how did my music taste change. Well before I used to like experimental and psychedelic stuff, and frankly I still do, but not as much as before, now I'm more oriented towards Metal (By the time of writing; Doom Metal). In addition, I think it's a nice change of pace.

This whole book, is just a bunch of words written by some kid, some kid who felt awful, and writing these meaningless words helped him to cope with his tough times.

It's becoming a lot more like a diary than an actually sub-efficient book, it's an expression, an expression of me and what I think.

I was genuinely close to suicide multiple times in my life, I never talked about it to anyone in my physical surroundings, like my parents, non I wouldn't, I didn't have faith in them, like they would just think I'm attention starved.

I already talked about this. I am aware but still.

Sometimes I wish I could just run away from everything, and just start a new life, I'm still young, but I'm too young, I'm irresponsible.

I've been trying to work on myself, and become better for the greater good of my personal well-being, now and in the future, and I'm eternally grateful to the people helping me and supporting me, and there isn't a lot, maybe like just one person. I know you're reading this, and I would like to pass my thanks to you, and by the way, have a safe trip back.

For everyone else reading this, thank you also, for reading this far, it means a lot.

I made a lot of progress, and I'm planning on going far.

1 Man, 1 Computer, 1 Book, 40 Units, 56 Pages, 17902 Words, just for you, the reader. Not really because for me this was just a form of therapy, and you get to see some kid growing up to be a young man.

This is hopefully not the end of my writing, but if it is I am satisfied, I would like to thank you all.

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