Unit XIX : A Questionable Crisis .

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This is quite literally "The" Questionable Crisis, I had this one my mind for a while, by the way have you noticed, I actually put previews at the beginning of almost every Unit, anyway sorry for interrupting.

Look at it this way. Do we really exist?

Is all of this real?

Is my pain real?

Do the people around me are conscious?

What if I'm the only one who knows about this? Not because someone says, they have consciousness means they really do.

What about me?

Am I Conscious?

What if all of this was an illusion?

What if all of this is in my head?

What if I never existed?

So many unanswered questions, which I will never find the answer to.

Living to be happy and survive?

That is what everyone does, right?

What makes me so special?

Am I the only one who asked myself these questions?

Perhaps the mind is like water, when agitated there's not much to see but once it clams down everything is clear. But seriously though...

Who are we?

Who am I?

Do I exist?

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