Unit XXXVI : Stone Shaped Rocks .

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"Stone Shaped Rocks" This is the name of this Unit and mainly a Playlist I created, it's a bunch of psychedelic and indie rock, the name I gave it was impeccable, it has stone because it's practically stoner music, and rock because well you know, it's rock.

What I failed to see is that not all good things were made by good people, same way, good people have bad friends, but it's a matter of time before the dust gets to the gold, and it'll be just like every single other rock.

Someone long time once told me I'm manipulative, but yet they see me as a good person? I that because I choose not to manipulate or because in the end both me and the target benefit? And after many long hard thoughts about it. I realized they were right, I feel very guilty, I don't do it on purpose.

Every year, feels less and less special, at a point of my life I have to accept that when I'm 5 in unique, when I'm 10 in special, when I'm 15 in uncommon, and by the time where I'm 20 I'm just another man. And some might disagree with me, and I would agree on a certain basis you can see specific people from a specific angle, and generally that's known as knowing them. But for others that rule applies, I realized what true love is, not in a romantic, fake, safe for work way. But simply appreciating someone, giving them something and not expecting anything in return unconsciously, is true love, I was too late to realize that. I've lost many opportunities to prove my worth, but you're true worth is only seem by the people who love you. And I'm so happy that I've had the occasion to meet someone who would help me see that, my blue person.

This is a very neutral Unit yet one of the actually best, and I can't take credit for all of it, this unit doesn't come from my pain or agony or lack of verbal emotional expression well kind of, the last one, that's the whole point of writing for me. But I hope you understand that this Unit came from deep, all the Units came from deep anyways.

I'm able to open my eyes a little faster.

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