Unit VIII : Salvation of the Truth

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I'm going to full on fully honest here, I believe this is the truth and I mean no disrespect. I think life has no meaning, no it does, what is the meaning of "your life"? life in general technically is everything that uhmm that...
Life is absolutely nothing, all humans can die right now and still nothing will change, in the grand scheme of things. However life, in truth, life is everything that can reproduce and evolve using the materials in its environment. At least, I think it is, but now to the existential crisis provoker. What is our objective in life? Well for some, live your life, but like universally? Well your objective is to reproduce and die, sounds so horrible right? And life has to be more than that right? Well it isn't.
If a loop of instant dopamine is a life for you I think even I'd be living, but no it's horrible, you're here to reproduce that's it, and if that wasn't enough people literally became delusional, look I know a lot of you will get offended and I don't care.

I think religion is hideous. Why?
You really think there's something or someone out there that was like, "hmm ok I'm gonna create a bunch of living species and one of them, only one will I give to them intelligence and initiate contact with them", I think it's true, it's just stupid, and I don't believe there was just an explosion that created everything. So okay dude, you're Muslim, you're not Christian, not Jewish, not Buddhist, not catholic, not atheist, what are you? I have no religion, living by what means necessary, and honestly some might ask, "What is meaning of your life?", I just want to make this trial a little more enjoyable than it was supposed to be.
We humans, yes we created communication to pass on knowledge and information and now people use it for blabbering nonsense just to feel some sense of utility, I'm disappointed to be human.
The one thing I'm sure of is that everything I do or you do will not matter. Whatever what you do, you will die and imagine it, you'll be trapped unable to move, unable to see anything, unable to feel, emptiness for the end of time, but it's not that bad you can't feel shit.

Moreover, really for inspirational quotes. Life is meaningless, and people came in here and created religion to give themselves a sense of security, and hopefulness, but actually, religion is not that bad. Because if it wasn't for religion people would be fighting over resources, they'll be heartless, every day thousands of bodies, all the rotten corpses, and what's funny? is that both religion and laws was created to control our actions, and limit us for things we can do, control with fear. And of course, without talking about people that are religious, you literally lay your life on the line because its written on a fucking book? In addition, it's all about controlling. Moreover, if you read all of this, agreeing with me, in that case please, help us, help us tell the world the truth. Dude imagine if I actually said that. Hell no, if the world found out, you'd be killed, first you'll be disgraced socially and you'll lose your social credibility slowly. Then, it will all get worst. In addition, that is why I think religion is useless. Why you might say? You said earlier that religion is important for keeping humanity alive so we can keep stability. Like no, why should we keep humanity alive anyways, we're all going to die. Even the future generation and the one after that and the one after that etc. It's an endless cycle, and now I'm gonna be very serious, this cycle is literally the matrix. And it's not just a government, oh yeah the government is just a tiny tiny part of it, the matrix is so counterintuitive, you won't believe it, fuck even I don't know, this is just the beginning, and this is called the salvation because maybe, maybe there is not future generation.

Maybe, it all ends here.

Or does it?

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