Unit XXXV : Three-Way Ticket .

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I'm sure that most of you who read my work and payed close attention to some units, will know that I once talked about a girl in one of my early stages of writing, today I finally realized what happened . This might seem out of the blue, but I really found the right words to describe it, I wish I dated her when I was more mature.

So start off I'm gonna describe how male and female friendships work, male friendships are based on royalty and being able to rely on your bro, and of course trust. Boys can be friends even if they don't know the most basic information about each other, of course that changes with time. Female friendships are based on emotional expression and communication, and so that's why women tend to be more sensitive than men, because their relationships between each other are purely emotional, when a girl is broken hearted she can go to her friends, not a guy though.

Now than, try imagining if a boy and a girl became friends, it's about to get complicated, so the guy experiences comfort emotionally, like he can be honest with her, he can tell her his problems without being ashamed or scared of thinking she might think less of him. Therefore, he discovers something totally new, he might see that women as a home for him to come back to whenever he's injured emotionally. But here's the worst part, for the girl, it's just like any other friendship, and so the boy will associate this feeling of difference with love, and so the girl is left with a lose-lose choice, if she says no, big chances she might ruin the relationship they've build, and destroy all the trust in it. In addition, if she says yes, it contradicts her own feelings, and that's why plenty of men today were shattered. I personally had to go through this experience and honestly not very pleasant.

In life every single problem that was ever brought up to anyone, any thing horrible happened, all the misery from this world comes from one thing and one thing only, and that thing is lack of individual ability. I wish I was more mature back then, I wish I knew the consequences of my actions, but I was too busy not enjoying things that I enjoyed in the past, and losing interest in everything. I was busy figuring out if things aren't important or if everything is important.

Everything beautiful that was ever ruined, was only because of selfishness. And to show how horrible we are.

People my care about being beautiful and pretty and skinny, and handsome and muscular and strong and they don't realize they're boiling up themselves into their body, But It's ok, at this time humans integrate society, and it might seem very stressful, you don't have to be attractive to be liked. if you're attractive you won't know who wants your body or who wants you as you are, as you were born, you'll never know for sure.

Most men nowadays are lead with lust, what I mean is that their dicks has lead them to some places they wouldn't go with a gun.

But who cares anyways, I'm starting to see things better and better everyday, this Unit was should be called "Wisdom Of Understandability".

Life is like a highway, there's people in front of you, and people behind you, but you can only see forward.

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