Unit XXI : Emotion Emporium .

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You know, in the 20th Unit, I did say I didn't know who I was. See the wording I used, read it again. Yes, I said, "Who I was". Well what do you know, if I can't find my identity, I'll make one for myself, I will be no more nobody or anybody or someone. Today, I'm me and no one is gonna tell me otherwise, I'm me and you're goddamn right if you think I'm proud of it, because even if I may be incapable. I'll make myself capable.

I shouldn't be disappointed, this is who I always were after all, yes I will change over the years but doesn't change anything, I'll keep myself in check, I am better than this.

And, even if I'm weak, I'll become strong, I am me after all.

And I will cherish every single moment spent happy.

I may know a lot about this world, but the more pain now the stronger later, after all I learn from my mistakes.

However, I longed to be scare of failure, but the real moment of failure is giving up...

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