Unit VI : A Quiet Void .

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First you start feeling an overwhelming feeling of sadness I would say it's more than overwhelming it's like an endless void of emptiness that's eating me from the inside because the vast void is hungry It's hard. Then the anger kicks in so unexpectedly and you start feeling and excruciating pain inside your chest and you feel like a raged dog that was on a leach all his life and now his master has finally let him free from the chains of his mind. Now you understand you were the master and after that, you start biting the dust, you set the worst stage, the beginning of the end, guilt, or I should say realization, it hits you the hardest. You actually understand that the void you're being eaten from is actually just you, you start to realize that you have a void inside you and you can't avoid it, you can't deny it. It's a part of you now, the sorrow eating you apart it feels like nothing else. Then, the last thing, it's hate you start to hate this world, you start to hate this society, you hate everyone, you hate that void the most and then you remember you are the void, I am the void, he said, does that mean I hate myself?

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