Unit XVII : Reasonable Esteem .

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Humans are so fragile, thee attachment they have between one another creates a sort of bond.

However sometimes, I see that some people are just too proud, for instance.

Honestly, some people think it's okay to just get out and hurt people and when they get hurt back they want justice, it's pathetic.

An example, a lot of girls in our modern age, specifically teenagers, they have friends that really are totally screwed up liars, they complement them and fill them with pride, confidence and hot air but when she gets blown off she won't even realize that she was blinded by her own pride.

Something similar happened to me, when I was young I had a lot of talent and so I didn't have to work as hard as the other students and generally kids my age, my lifer was on easy mode, but now where talent is no use. I'm not used to working hard, and since I'm having trouble, I feel like I've gotten worst over the past years, thinking I'm not fulfilling the role people expect of me, and filling the highly expectations people have of me.

Then my self-confidence went down severely hard, I had no trust or faith in myself, I felt worthless, and miserable.

Moreover, I started taking everything so seriously, any criticism was taken sincerely, and every compliment was seen as pity from others.

I felt blinded from my own soul and pride. And soon after I started despising myself and becoming very violent and frustrated.

Pride is something essential, but too much of it can easily give you an overdose, literally blinding you from the truth.

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