Unit XXX : Fog ; Second Stage ?

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This is another attempt I'm taking to express my pain, this time in a bolder and humbler way.

I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed to be in pain, I shouldn't be in this much pain, I feel weak because of that but different people have different difficulties, and this is mine, everything feels unbearable, and I feel weak, and I don't like it, not a single bit.

In one of my units, I said "I hate waking up" and I still do, but now I hate being awake. My past is like a fog in my character.

But why do I have to suffer, I didn't ask to be born, I didn't ask anything from anybody, yet here I am suffering somewhere...

My life is amazing, I'm surrounded by people I love and that love me, then what's wrong with me? Am I unconsciously looking for attention?

I realized why I craved being wanted, being needed, it's because I wish to prove to people that I'm real, that I exist.

And there was so much left to say, I regret so much, I could've taken my chance and said that, and I should've shut my mouth and said this instead, it's horrible, I feel so incompetent, so powerless, it feels like I'm living of the kindness of the people around me.

Some might say, that I don't need to be accompanied or to even fit in society, you see fitting in is like a contract, people will help you in exchange you help them, and even with the help of my loved ones, and my friends, I'm still like this, I can't imagine myself without it.

This generation feeds off lust on end, and I hate it, I'm ashamed of being part of it, and I'm afraid of being contaminated.

The more I found myself, the more lost I found myself to be.

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