Unit XXIV : Find Peace Of Mind .

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The more you understand the world, the more you see how some things are so unessential, piece of mind, is having no hate or resentfulness, having no enemies, no nemesis, you have no indignation, for that you have to understand how other individuals operate, and it boils down to nothing, adults have more self-control. Teenagers are trapped and confused, and children are reckless. After that, it depends on the gender and the individual himself, and you will learn to never see greatness in one's soul, but see the hateful cupidity, a lustful husk beneath the breaths he has yet to draw, everyone whose identity has enclosed, will be seen as a threat. it's normal to see yourself superior to the majority.

I lived my life telling myself "I'm talented, I'm gifted" and that prevents you from doing anything that might ruin your self-image and absolutely destroy your ego, you self-esteem will be in the lowest level of hell, and that's precisely what happened to me, see the wording I used? "happened" yes it's in the past, some of those scars haunt me today.

Sometimes I just wish I were never born or even better I could gently sit on my queen size bed and blow my brains out with a 9mm revolver or a buckshot high caliber shotgun. But not anymore, I feel proud, like all the hate has been drained from me, like the leaves of the trees in autumn, they'll come back, soon enough. We can say if I blow my brains out we can call that "find piece of mind" Dude get it?

Anyways, a man's trash is another man's treasure, a great saying and a horrible way to find out your adopted, life is a cycle of endless challenges, and honestly, at a moment of my life I thought I was crazy, but now, I see that I am a little premature.

I'm world is so horrible why do I have to put up with these primates, but I will, as I found peace of mind.

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