Unit XXXIII : Unkeepability .

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Some might call me a loser because i always lose. I call myself a loser because I lose everything.

I ruin everything I touch I can't keep someone happy, I can't work hard, I can't keep anyone, I can't keep shit.

And I'm fucking tired, I'm tired of having to go through this it feels horrible, maybe it's my fault, maybe I'm just a complete idiot, maybe I'm just too fucking dumb to adapt or understand shit.

I try and I fail and retry and fail, I change my approach and I fail, I retry and I fail, I failed, and I will keep failing, and no matter how hard I try I can't fucking do shit.

Well of course I'm failing, I do nothing of my time, I slack off like a lazy piece of shit, I did and do nothing of the first fucking third of life, if we're going to pretend I'm not going to kill myself before I turn 30.

I'm fucking tired and why? I do nothing of my fucking time, I'm fucking worthless, I do nothing yet I'm fucking tired, I can't get disciplined for more than 2 weeks, and I can't motivated either to do anything.

This weakness is embarrassing. Humiliating even.

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