Unit XI : Impermanence In Delusional Deconstruction .

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Before I start I will tell you this is a sort of continuation, second volume or a sequel of "Salvation Of The Truth". But in a more explanatory way, and in generally more formal way, well I know that one caused a lot of raised eye brows at me, I don't care, I don't thrive over your validations, at least not anymore...

So, can we talk about living in an eternal cycle of lies so shallow the past me would pass out laughing. People are living in delusion, they are told not to ask any questions to anybody or themselves and they just listen and do what they say like good little slaves. They know deep down inside them how stupid it is, but I guess being a slave is one way of surviving in a world where the weak is eaten. But really the people that wake up from that deep ocean of delusional self-destructive living, they will truly know the truth, and the slaves know they are so wrong yet they lie to themselves, just because they know they can't handle the truth, thinking they're better off not knowing.

This mentality really pisses me off, oh sorry I said I was going to be more formal in this unit did I, alright let me rephrase that.

This mentality really lights a fire of resentful indignation inside me, it's so pathetic, but I can't blame they either, I feel like I woke up in a world where everyone is sleeping and I feel so powerless because of my incapability to wake someone up. Moreover, to have a chance at it you have to get close to the person you are trying to wake up, and if you try to wake them up they will resent you, or at least there is a chance they will.

Personally, I believe it takes a huge amount of courage to go against the flow, and I now understand, under any circumstances I must never get influenced, and again if I go with the flow, I will eventually, get influenced. After realizing that I went against it.

After all, who would pick faith over facts? They would...

Although the feeling of loneliness is overwhelming, as I am the only one awake, and I cannot spot anyone else being awake too.

Yet the 10th unit was written because I now understand that maybe I'm not the problem, maybe it's the whole system that is.

Again, stop telling me to stop talking in riddles, as in the specific form of me talking or writing is perhaps written to be read by specific individual.

The system does everything in its power to keep individuals from their freedom; this is not actually my quote I can't take credit for it. Anyways, this system makes people live in constant anguish, and the worst part is that no one can oppose it.

No one, no one can defy the system and like I said, The system is extremely counter-rageous to anyone or anybody daring to wake up from the Matrix, I just had to make this reference, I just had to, sorry.

I just know some people are going to come at me saying "we already know the government is up to bla bla bla" the government and politics are just a tiny part of it, mainly I already talked about this, but mainly I know that the system is generally religiously controlling people.

But again only if you woke up you would be able to understand, but the thing is I may be still inside the shell of my egg, but I just know what's waiting for me on the outside and that's why I'm struggling in life, whether generally, socially or in my way of life. And why do I always feel like my parents care more for what other people think of me than me in general? As if I was a tool to show off your raising up skill.

But that's not the point, what I'm trying to say is that, I am in no position to oppose the system, I'm still in the 13th year of my meaningless existence, so for now I'll go with the flow protecting myself from the influence, what I mean is if you stay around a bunch of unintelligent retards, you'll become one.

Therefore, the influence is like a plague or perhaps a flu that spreads rapidly, it's a flu and that's why it's called the "In-Flu-Ence".

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