Unit XIII : The Intoxicating Solidification .

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The day my life got better, things got easier, I had a chance to settle down relax and enjoy the ride, but has life really gotten easier? I know how cruel life is it's not gonna let me off the hook so easily, so theoretically, Life did not get easier. That means I got stronger...

I learn from my past mistakes, perhaps understanding my surroundings wasn't such a bad idea after all, ass everything is so clear now, I feel euphorically grateful.

I feel grateful, and the purpose of my gratitude, is that all my pain was not in vain, as it did buy me a one way ticket to hell but at least, after all the suffering I've gone through, I believe I got the rest I deserved, the rest I longed for.

Nevertheless, it is essential and necessary to know that life's problems and challenges will not end, although you shouldn't always expect this rest to stay for long, but after 6 years, I think I need a long rest well deserved, but no life isn't fair, the more misery and sorrow and generally pain and negative emotions. The more your crystallization will be intense, the hardening of ones will, heart, hope and the individual in general (In a non-sexual way), that is what makes him stronger.

In other words, the more you endure, the better you will. Experience is not something you can be just born with, it's the one thing everyone has to go through to get significantly better at anything, for me this was an easy lesson to learn as it and I hope it is even easier for this generations youth, but well. We can't do much about it can we.

I give the absolute bad best life advice, but I can't applicate it myself, take advice from a bad fisher on how to fish. What do you expect ? It work. Nevertheless, back to the main topic, life hates everyone, and me exceptionally a little more, but jokes aside life is unfair.

However, if life is unfair to everyone.

Does that mean, life is fair?

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